Chapter 26

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Old images and pain-filled, traumatizing memories flooded every inch of my brain, withholding any spare thought or emotion that I could possible feel. I didn't feel the cool tears on face flying off as I sprinted, feeling like I wasn't even on the ground at all. In my mind, I wasn't running at all. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't see in front of me.
"Don't even try resisting, precious. It's not going to get you anywhere. You belong to me right now, so you better shut your pretty damn mouth and surrender. Spare both of us the time and struggle.", the man spat, continuing to rip off  my clothes as I wailed endlessly, earning a harsh slap to the cheek. He didn't stop there. He began doing the same all down my torso and my thighs, hitting repeatedly in the same spots until they tingled and burned red.
          I whimpered as he entered me, but he payed no attention. He groaned in pleasure, much to my displeasure and discomfort. It was agonizing, but he was taking his sweet time.
          "You feel so good, precious.", he moaned, kissing my neck roughly as I squirmed and silently allowed tears to fall.
          It didn't stop for hours.
          "We're here for the trial of Howard Stewart, accused of rape and physical abuse of Elizabeth Cooper, along with her mother, Alice Cooper, who was accused of physical abuse, psychological abuse, and playing a part in Elizabeth's assault.", the judge said, his voice still and monotonous as I sat,  facing him next to my state-appointed lawyer. My mother and the disgusting excuse of a man sat a few feet away with their own designated lawyers, whom they paid for on their own. They already had the upper hand.
          "Elizabeth, please come up to the stand to make your claim and explain your view of the situation to the jury.", he stated. With a shaky, unprepared breath and a reassuring pat on the shoulder from my lawyer, I stood up and walked to the stand.
          "H-Hi. My name is Elizabeth Cooper, and I'm here to talk about m-my assault. My mother has always had resentment about my existence. I w-was partially responsible for the deaths of my father and sister when I was five due to the fact that I didn't have the self control to keep myself from distracting my father from driving. Because of that, I've always felt that she's held a grudge. She h-hits me. She ridicules me for my grades. She doesn't allow me to have friends. She micromanages my life and calls me hurtful names.
          Worst of all,", I continued tearfully. "Worst of all, she h-hired this man to r-rape me. She admitted that to me, as did he. I-It was the worst moment of my life.", I stated, swiping my tears away briskly and I sniffled and let my head hang down.
          That was the perfect opportunity, and a grave mistake.
          "Your honor?", my mother spoke. "If I may, I love my daughter. She's my entire world. I would do anything for her! I've raised her lovingly. I've given her a home and good food. She possesses every right to have friends and she makes excellent grades. Also, I would NEVER call my daughter anything unless it was a calling out of praise. She astonishes me on a daily basis. T-The fact that s-she would ever claim that I would do such AWFUL things to put her in harms way... I-I just... I c-can't believe it.". She began to sob into her hands, shaking her head rapidly as she choked for air.
          All for the show.
          All for the win.
          All for the case so that she could continue.
          After some time, we were allowed back into the courtroom, where I sat anxiously while I awaited the news I'd very much hoped for; the arrest of my dreadful mother and my assaulter.
         "The jury has come to a decision.", the judge announced, his face stern and unmoving.
          "They have found the accused, Alice Cooper and Howard Steward, not guilty for the charges pressed against them. Cased closed.". He slammed his gavel onto his block, everyone getting up while I remained seated, every nerve in my body beginning to quake uncontrollably while my pathetic excuse of a lawyer attempted to calm me.
           My mother and Howard came around, my mother leaning over the table with her hands gripped around the edge closest to me.
          "Aw.", she pouted. "Is the snowflake sad that she didn't win this case like she wanted? Her life isn't perfect? She got what she deserved? How unfortunate.", she snarled, wiping her imaginary tears in mockery. "Get over yourself, 'precious'. You'll never win.".
         Precious. He called me precious. That was the only thing I could think about. It rang through my mind, sucking me back into the horror each time. I couldn't escape it. I'd lost. I'd always lost, and I would continue to lose. He wants to hurt me. He wants to hurt me like they did. I can't go back. I can't go back.
          I can't go back.
          And so, I ran. I ran, and I ran. The sun began to set on the hazy horizon. The chill of the win brushed my skin and lingered, imbedding itself in and giving birth to goosebumps, none of which I could feel.
           Suddenly, I felt the arms of two men holding me back, blocking me from continuing my path to nowhere.
           "Sorry, miss, but we can't let you pass through here. You're one of our special residents. If you pass through, you'll never be able to-".
           "BETTY? BETTY, IS THAT YOU??". I twirled around on the balls of my sore feet, Jug bolting down the road, a jacket around him with a spare hanging from his arm. As he neared closer, the panic in his eyes came and went, perhaps relieved to find me, but something else troubled him.
         It didn't matter, because as soon as my line of sight met his softened expression, I blanked.
         Everything went black as I collapsed.

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