Chapter 15

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          "Where exactly are we going?".
          The wind only blew colder, tingling against my neck and up below my chin, sucking the heat from my cheeks next and flushing them bright pink. I did my best to cave my neck into into my coat, scrunching my shoulders so the knitted lining of my hood and collar might provide some comfort. My hands shoved into my pockets, my legs trembling with each step we took.
          "You cold, Cooper? It's only 60 degrees. Sure, it's colder than usual, but it's not that cold.", he teased, his body nudging mine lightly as he chuckled.
          "Does I look particularly warm? And you didn't answer my question.".
          "Never fear, m'lady," he assured with a silly attempt of a British accent. "We're almost there. And if you're not warm enough, despite how insane I think it is that you find it cold...". As he trailed off, his closest to me discreetly lifted from directly beside his torso, which turned towards me as he extended his arm out to me. "... I'd be more than happy to provide some warmth, if you're okay with it.".
          My smile stretched from ear to ear, fading a little at the embarrassment I felt at the surprise display of emotions I'd accidentally exhibited. I don't know why I felt as if I had to shield every reaction I had. Everything had been fine the past two weeks, and he'd become a great companion. Maybe it was the chill in the air and the fact that any form of cold weather seemed to drag my mood down with it.
          Despite this, I didn't hesitate with my answer.
          My bottom lip between my teeth, I let my response come out in a timid murmur. "You don't have to ask me twice.". He smirked, removing the jacket from his arms as I furrowed my brows in confusion. His lifted as he witnessed my reaction, as if to say "don't worry, here's your explanation.".
          He simply draped part over his shoulder farthest from me, lifting the rest for me to take refuge under beside him. I swiftly huddled into his side, nestling myself into it as his arm hugged me closer to him, pulling the jacket tighter around the both of us.
          "I didn't anticipate it would be this chilly, however, we can still have a good time here.", he concluded, eyes roaming around the various trees that excluded themselves from the park path we were standing on.
          "Oh, so you admit defeat then? It is rather freezing, isn't it.".
          "Oh, shu- Um, yeah. Guess I underestimated your temperature-reading abilities. Wont make that mistake again.". Mid sentence he paused, his cheer restrained for a moment while he rephrased his statement, which I knew he did due to the fact that he worried that whatever his first statement was would've triggered or offended me in some way.
I still hadn't told him about my mom. It wasn't any of his concern, after all. It warmed my heart that he kept himself cautious about what he said. It showed he cared, but it didn't make me feel any better per se. It just made me feel more like unnecessary excess weight.
"Take a seat here.". He sat on the grass, his back leaning up against a tree that we'd wandered to while I'd been lost in my thoughts. "The ground retained a lot of heat. It's nice. If it's still not to your liking, my body heat is still available for your use.". He smiled with heart in his eyes, scrunching his nose at me with a faux sniffle, making me laugh quietly.
I took a seat next to him, wary of how comfortable this arrangement against the tree may be, but he certainly wasn't complaining. If he intended to communicate any dismays he had, the grin plastered on his face wasn't helping his case.
"It's actually not too bad.", I whispered, pleased at this discovery. "What exactly was the point of coming here? Here just sitting against a tree in the park.".
"When was the last time you sat against the tree in the park?".
I scoffed. "Wow. You really stumped me there, no pun intended.", I muttered, biting my lip as I held back a snicker.
His face gleamed with elation, his mouth hanging agape as he stared at me in shock. "Did Betty Cooper just crack a joke? I'm impressed!".
"That makes two of us. Damn, Jones. You've really made an impression on me.".

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