Chapter 35

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A few days later...
"I'm home, baby!", I heard Jug shout, the door slamming shortly after. I grunted, pushing the last bit of remaining furniture into the middle of the room so that we could paint over the bare, uncovered walls of screaming pink and yellow.
Rubbing the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand, coarse from the hours of work I'd just done, I skittered down stairs excitedly to find Jughead, standing with two enormous buckets of lavender paint and an enthusiastic grin plastered to his face, eyes gleaming with excitement as he set the buckets down one by one.
"Is all of the furniture moved? You didn't over-exert yourself, did you? It's okay if we're not, I can help you move whatever else needs to be moved.".
I giggled, pecking his lips quickly while before proceeding to bounce on the balls of my feet to prevent me from bursting with excitement and leftover adrenaline.
"You're cute when you ramble you know, especially when it's out of concern for me.", I remarked. "It's all done, though! We are officially ready to paint.".
"Well, not officially. We still have to tape the borders up so they stay crisp and clean and we have to change.".
"Well shit.". I groaned, tossing my hands up in defeat and disappointment before I let them sag limply beside my hunched body. "I knew I was forgetting something. I might need some help with the taping... I don't think I can reach the ceiling and I might have teeny tiny fear of ladders...
I also don't think I have any clothing suitable for painting in. What am I supposed to do about that?". I bit my lip as my eyes zigzagged across his face, searching for any signs that he might have some means of answering my seemingly unanswerable questions.
I found a smirk.
"First of all, I would be more than happy to help with the tape. Second of all, relax. You can wear my clothes. They look better on you anyways, shortcake.".
          "Hey! I'm not that short!", I retaliated.
          "Mm... your height suggests otherwise. Don't worry, I happen to be rather fond of your height. It makes me feel like I have power... The power to protect you.".
          "Fuck you and your immaculate way of navigating words, Jughead. I'm supposed to be mad at you.".
          "You could never stay mad at me, pumpkin.".
          "I know- no. Shush. Let's go upstairs and get our taping skills to the test.".
          The towel fell to the floor with a thud after Jug tossed it, having just wiped his paint-covered hands. He sauntered over, picking up the paintbrushes around my feet and throwing them into a crinkly grocery bag before swiftly kissing my cheek.
           "Betts, it looks perfect.".
           "But what if it chips or the layer isn't thick eno-".
           "Honey, trust me, it looks absolutely beautiful in here. Let the fresh air blow through the windows so that the paint can dry and the room can air out, alright?". My tongue grew sore, my teeth biting hard into it, causing to pulsate as I concentrated at the task at hand. That is, until Jug snatched the brush from my hand and used the newly empty state of it as an opportunity to twirl me around.
          He let the bag fall out of his hand so that he could place his hands on my forearms, rubbing them gently up and down while placing his forehead against mine, slowly shutting his eyes.
         "This will be the best bedroom you've ever had, I swear. While we wait for the paint to dry... wanna join me for the bath, 'girl who is covered in dried paint'?".
          His eyes fluttered back open to find mine staring back in utter disbelief, mouth agape and dry, unable of how best to respond.
          "It's our first time-".
          "I love you, Betty. I know that I love you, and you love me, too. We're not going having intercourse, okay? I just want to take a bath with my gorgeous girlfriend, if that's okay with her.", he whispered, nudging his nose against mine, wrinkling it.
          "Besides, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before. Yes, it was an accident, and it let to... some unfortunate events, but my glimpse lasted long enough to see how breathtaking you are.".
          "Oh, Jug... How I love you.", I muttered back, leaning up to connect our lips briefly, just barely letting them touch before parting again.
          "Let's go take that bath, shall we?"

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