Chapter 13

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2 weeks later...
Jughead's persistence had continued to astonish me, him refusing to leave my side for more than a few mere moments, which he would utilize to go and do something for me. My moods and emotions pursued to fluctuate, but fluctuation is a step up from consistent misery, right? I'd laughed, grinned, and giggled more than I had in my life time, and he was, miraculously, always the cause of this fresh ability I was still adjusting to.

He always brought me breakfast in the morning, varying from pancakes to waffles to a series of other luscious meals, each one just as impressive as the previous one had been. My mornings, no matter how anxious I may have woken up, became, without fail, a little brighter with his help.

Lavender aroma lingered around the hallways from dawn 'til dusk, and whenever I sunk into an uncontrollable fit of sobs or my lungs would seemingly seize up, restraining from regulating my breathing, he was always there with open arms, ready to encapsulate me tightly while he reminded me that I wasn't alone and that I had him, along with the instant prompt to breathe so that I would inhale the appeasing scent.

He had me wound securely in a blanket with my head on his lap, my legs dangling over the arm of the couch as his hands ran through my hair, striving to alleviate me after my most recent wail-fest.

"It's all okay, Betty. See? Everything's okay. I'm right here. We're at home. Both of us are safe. You're safe now. Breathe in the lavender.", he whispered soothingly, taking in a deep breathe through his nose shortly after completing his affirmations for me to follow along.

He sighed in content, his lips curling into a small smile, which I mimicked back up at him, though we both knew I wasn't in the headspace for a genuine smile.

"Doesn't that smell nice?".

I let my eyes flutter shut, coaching myself to let the smell overwhelm and placate me.

I nodded with a nearly inaudible hum, my cheeks bunching as I displayed what I hoped might resemble a smile.

The faded tapping that had commenced outside invaded the progressing mood in the air, but not disrupting it. In fact, in contrast to my own ignoring of the intrusive noise, Jug began to shift underneath
me. My eyes bolted back open, unable to meet his as his were glued to the ceiling.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"Nothing... I actually had an idea.".

I sat up bearing a look of curiosity, my hand waving slowly over his focused eyes. He shot off the couch before wordlessly extending a hand out for me to take, not a single sound muttered between the two of us as he flashed a radiant grin. "Come on." was all he said once my arm had wrapped itself around his torso instinctively. His overlapped mine while his other sent itself underneath my legs, lifting me up bridal-style while I squealed in amusement and shock.

"I've been thinking for a few days of some things we might be able to do together. I want you to see how truly beautiful the world is... well, every beautiful aspect that you can't and don't already possess.", he disclosed, leaving me to linger in further interest before he sprinted with me to the door and out of it, skipping the steps and jumping down onto the sidewalk.

My screams echoed through the neighborhood that I'd actually never truly had a chance to admire or even see, the chilly, brisk wind clashing itself onto my skin. However, I was silenced when an icy raindrop made contact with the top of my forehead, followed by dozens more as it seeped into my loose hair and thin eye-lashes.

I heard a chortle ring from Jughead's lips as he spun us around in dizzy circles, prolonging this exhilarating experience of fear and awakening before we both collapsed onto the damp grass as we erupted into chuckles.

We were unbothered by the coolness of the breeze, granting it permission to wash over us in unison with the rain.

"Isn't it a beautiful thing, Betty? The rain. The rain is miraculous, in my opinion. It makes me feel... alive.", he declared positively, tilting his head to the side and slightly back to scan over my face, trying to observe and collect my possible internal thoughts and feeling.

"How does it make you feel?".

"I... I think I feel good. I don't know, but I feel something...".

"... And I like how I feel.".

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