Chapter 30

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          He stepped down the hill, keeping his face forward as I followed silently behind him. The trees waved around, sunlight dancing over the fresh, green grass, whose crisp scent filtered through my veins when the subtle breeze blew it my way. An assortment of flowers teased me, calling out to me to observe their breathtaking beauty and individual tranquility from a much closer distance. Tulips, poppies, sunflowers, and roses of all stood tall, eager to impress and captivate.
          Jug continued to stroll aimlessly, steadying his pace as he watched the flowers lean aside to make room for a path for his feet. His breaths were shallow and periodic, and he halted every few moments just to listen to the rustling of the wind against our surroundings, but they did little to improve his tense appearance and hurried footsteps. He seemed as if he wanted to escape. To where, I didn't know. From what, it was hard to tell, but it was clear that he wanted out, and he wanted me there.
          I silently hoped that I was providing a sense of clarity that he'd managed to provide for me, and maybe that's why he'd been so insistent that I came with him.
          Abruptly, without warning, he spun on the balls of his feet before allowing his muscles to relax, his eyes hesitantly fluttering shut before his knees buckled and he toppled over onto his back on the ground. Not a peep or cry of pain came from him, only a appeased sigh and the thump of his arms flopping in an outwards stance beside him.
          I didn't ask before taking a spot beside him, laying down, facing towards the rushing clouds above us in the great, blue, endless sky.
          It used to instill hopelessness within me, being blank to no end, but I'd forgotten how much beauty can come from the unknown and the unexpected.
          Hesitantly, I placed a hand on his exposed forearm, allowing my fingertips to run gently along it, up and down it.
          "Can you smell the flowers, Jughead? The fresh aroma of the roses mixed with the crisp scent of the grass and the soil? How does it feel; the breeze brushing tenderly against your cheeks and your forehead? How does it sound?", I asked. I got no audible response, but I got a glimmering hint of a soft smile.
          The tops of our heads connected, but not uncomfortably; only to the point where they hardly made contact. My hands rested atop my chest, crossed over one another, and his did the same. I could hear the drumming of his fingers against his chest, as quiet as they may have been. Everything seemed easily more noticeable in that quiet, peaceful wonderland of contemplation.
          "I love you, Betty.".
          My eyes, previously closed and burning against the sun's light, flew open, breath hitched as I scrambled to recollect what exactly he'd said.
           "I'm sorry, w-what did you say? I couldn't understand what you said.", I mumbled, borderline terrified of whatever would come from those precious lips behind me next.
          He lifted himself into a sitting position behind me and turned to face me, as far as I could hear. I was too apprehensive to look beyond my peripheral vision.
          "I love you. You have no idea how much, Betty, and I want nothing more than to be with you.", he said, and though his voice was soaked and dripping with doubt and hesitance, it rang true to my ears. The flowers agreed, continuing to sway peacefully beside me in acceptance and encouragement.
           I quickly sat up to join him, staring right back onto his eyes, which were welling up.
          "I don't understand. I thought you said-".
          "I said that we shouldn't, I know.", he interrupted. "However, I never said that I didn't feel the same. I still agree with what I said before, but I can't keep myself from you anymore. I love you, Betty. For reasons I can't explain at the moment, we shouldn't do this, but staying away from you like this seems to be hurting you more. I just want to protect you from all harm, and I'm not sure that I'll be able to hold myself up to that if we do this.". He reached out with a shaky hand for my own as he let out an ample sigh, as if he were relieved of a burdenous secret.
          "Jug, you could never hurt me. Well, you wouldn't ever hurt me, at least not intentionally. I trust you more that everyone. As for your first statement, I love you too. I love you more than you know.".
          "I know you do, and that's why I'm worried you'll be put in harms way unnecessarily if we decide-".
          "I don't care, Juggie.".
          He beamed, the sunlight hitting his face at the perfect angle to extenuate the bluish-green flecks in his eyes and the blush that had risen to his cheeks, that then correlated with the sudden movement of him dragging me up onto his lap.
           His hands flew to my cheeks, cupping them, hastily pulling my face in so that my lips crashed into his, and he kissed me harshly, a smirk playing on his lips when he laid back with me on top of him.

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