Chapter 36

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A few weeks later...
          I couldn't help but sigh contentedly, glancing around to take in the surroundings while bringing my steaming cup of decaf coffee up to my mouth to take a sip. Jug had recommended that I drink without caffeine to reduce the anxiety.
          He gave very good advice. How could I reject a good tasting drink that doesn't get me feeling like I have to run thirty-miles per hour nonstop?
          The sun burst through the windows, beaming  onto the newly refurbished kitchen, which had been covered in cream-colored tile and decorated with royal blue curtains and towels to tie it all together. Of course, we had a chic oil diffuser running on the countertop, diffusing a blend of lavender and vanilla to mix with the aroma of my caramel coffee.
          We'd decided to redecorate the whole house, and allow me to inform you that that was the best decision we'd made.
          It finally felt more... us.
          He'd even managed to sneak pictures of us together and hung them around the place. There were pictures of him kissing my cheek, me kissing his, me laying my head in his lap or cuddling him, and several more which I found myself displeased with at first. However, as they gleamed upon the walls, I couldn't keep myself from smiling back at them.
           The door flew open, Jug appearing on the other side, foot suspended in the air and his hands full. My thoughts that I'd been absorbed in scattered while my eyes found what lied bundled together in his arms.
          "Jug, may I ask why you have a bunch of succulents?", I inquired curiously and with great confusion as I rushed to relieve some of his struggle, taking a few into my own arms.
           "Well...", he began. "I thought that we could start our own little teeny kitchen garden thingy... You know, become plant parents. We could feed our little plants and watch them prosper, along with providing our own positive energy for them to grow accustomed to.". He bounced on the balls of his feet, biting his bottom lip excitedly while awaiting my response.
          "You know, that actually sounds like a really cute idea, Jug. Who knew...".
          "Who knew what?".
          I set my handful down onto the table carefully, making sure they all stood stably and securely before turning around and smirking playfully.
          "Who knew that you were such a softie for plants? I certainly did not.".
          "Oh, Betts...". He sauntered over, reaching out and tucking a strand of loose hair back behind my ear before patting my cheek.
          "When will you learn that I'm only a softie for my baby?".
           "Your plants are your babies? Damn. You could've told me you were already a parent, Juggie.".
           "Oh, you must think you're so funny, huh?".
           "As a matter-of-fact, I happen to think I'm hilarious.".
           "You're lucky you're cute.". He rolled his eyes, faux annoyance radiating from his face while his small, poorly hidden smile remained the only signifier of his true warmth.
           "Help me with our plants, baby, or I'm going to have to name them all on my own.". He pouted his bottom lip, allowing it to taunt me. Who was I to not give in?
           I leaned against him, grinning before kissing it softly, soon melting further into it while he threw his arms around my back.
           "Plants, Betts.", he mumbled against my mouth, but not breaking away. "They're gonna die. I got them from the "nearly dead" section". 
           I slid my tongue across his lip teasingly prior to pulling away, taking a deep breath before I widened my eyes.
          "Well, then. We better hurry and get these beautiful little guys fed, shouldn't we?
          You know, I'm actually very excited. We should name this one Paul.".
          He let out an unrestrained snicker while continuing to set them up by the windowsill.
          "Paul? Why Paul? Why not Timothy or Bob?".
          "Because Paul just suits him, Juggie.".
           "This plant family has no room for judgement, babe.".
           "Who said I was judging, princess? Let's name him Paul, if you really insist, but only if this one gets to be named James... or something.".

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