Chapter 12

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I sighed, letting my head fall defeatedly onto his chest. "You just don't give up, do you? I really don't see why I'm even worth your time, Jughead. I'm a useless case. As I've said before, you're not going to be able to help me. Nobody has, and I'm pretty sure mother nature doesn't intend on changing that pattern any time soon.", I muttered vexedly.

He shifted underneath me, his breath becoming heavy and more stretched as he seemed conflicted. My muscles strained as my thigh brushed against the side of his torso, drawing myself to the reality that I was on top of a man I hadn't known for even a week.

"Please don't move, Betty. U-Unless you're uncomfortable. I-I'm comfortable, and I just th-thought the closeness might help, but-".

"Um... No, It's okay, Jughead.", I interrupted hesitantly, wavering in uncertainty as I wasn't even sure if our current connection was acceptable in any case. I did know, however, that he was the first person that I had ever trusted even to any minor extend. "I wasn't sure if you were comfortable...".

He chuckled softly, and though I couldn't see due to the fact that my head still remained on his chest along with my eyes shut, his fluttered open. I felt his gaze etch itself into my forehead down to my nose, and I sensed the presence of a light smile written on to his face.

"If I didn't want you here, I wouldn't have done it. Also, it doesn't have to... mean anything, if that's what you were worried about. Friends can cuddle, you know.".

It was my turn to open my eyes, though mine flew open as opposed to his gentle means of doing the same. "F-Friends?", I chocked, my hoarse voice cracking in surprise and doubt.

"Do you not want to be-".

"I-I've never had a friend before.".

The airy mood he'd attempted to bring about between us froze, and he sat up, pulling me up with him. I remained in his lap, my legs now awkwardly sprawled out on either side of him to the point where it could be compared to straddling. His expression became complex, stuck between ecstatic and incomparably hurt for my sake. That observation that I'd made began to blur, as did his face when my eyes began to well.

His hands shot up to my cheeks, a thumb underneath each eye to dispose of any tears that may threaten to expose themselves, but I rested my hands on them.

"Jug, it's okay... I... I think I'm happy. I-I'm happy that I have a friend. I'm happy that you're my friend.", I whispered, and to both of our astonishments, with a smile.

He, naturally, beamed back at me, being the wonderful human being that he was. Wonderful. Wonderful. That's a new one...

He pulled my face closer to his, tilting it downwards as he placed a tender kiss atop my forehead. "I'm glad I can be here for you, Betty. I truly care about you. And I'm especially excited that I was able to place another one of those gorgeous smiles of yours onto your face.".

"I'm sorry I haven't been a good f-friend, Jughead.", I blurted abruptly. "You've been taking such good care of me and I've just done nothing but let both of us down.".

"Betty, no. We're not going back there right now. Let's go back to where we just were, shall we? You know, when we just officially became friend? You're an amazing friend, Betty. I'm not upset about you hurting into your outbreaks of anger of confusion or upset. Friends help each other, right? I'm here to help you, and whether you believe this or not, you're helping me too. I promise you, you're doing a great job. Letting me help you is enough of a favor for right now, and don't you dare fight me on that.", he insisted, a teasing smirk appearing near the end of his statement.

I released a partially-faux huff, tossing my baby hairs to the side with my breath as my lips hovered between a grin and a show of question, but I convinced it to lean further towards the first option as I pulled him in for another hug.

"I'll try to be a better friend from now on. A-And I really am glad you're here, Jughead. You've helped so much already.".

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