Chapter 9

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"You sit here, m'lady. I'll go get us some hot cocoa and then we can watch The Bee Movie. Does that sound alright?", Jug asked with a grin on his face, getting me situated with a blanket draped across my lap and around my shoulders. I grabbed fistfuls of the fluffy material, pulling it closer to my chest as I shuffled in my seat on the couch, nodding rapidly as I convinced myself to smile softly.

Within 5 minutes he returned, two hot mugs in hand as he sat next to me with caution, being careful not to spill. He handed me one, setting his own on the table before he reached for my blanket with a shiver. "Would you mind if-".

"O-Of course not, Jug.", I interrupted, opening it up for him to snuggle under. He did so with a smirk. "Jug?", he stated. "I like the new nickname. It suits me, don't you think?".

"I-I didn't mean to... It just kinda... happened?".

"It's alright, Betts. I'm going to call you Betts now. It sounds cute, and besides, if I get a new nickname, you aught to get one too.".

I scoffed, subconsciously scooting closer to his side, his heat radiating off of him in waves. It was surprisingly chilly considering it wasn't even noon.

"Jug? Doesn't hot cocoa make you sleepy?", I asked. I wouldn't know, I hadn't ever had hot cocoa before, but a lot of hot, heavy beverages had that effect.

"Yes.", he responded, his eyes unmoving as they focused on finding the movie as he searched Netflix. "I know, it's not even noon and I made you hot chocolate to make you tired, but I think a little sleep might be beneficial for you.".

I took a hesitant sip as I hummed in response, curious as to how it would taste. My tongue did burn as it made contact with the steaming liquid, but other than that, I had never had anything like it. It was perfectly balanced, the chocolate and sugar balancing each other out wonderfully.

"Jesus,", I muttered before taking a larger gulp, Jug giggling at my excitement. "This- How are you so good at cooking??", I inquired with bewilderment. "You don't look like the type.".

He burst out into a fit of laugher, clutching his chest as he rocked back into the couch cushions, his feet slamming onto the floor. "T-That is where you're wrong, Betts.". He bit his bottom lip, containing any remaining chuckles he had left within him. "I use- Well, I eat all the time. I absolutely adore food. Anyways, I'm glad you're enjoying the cocoa so thoroughly.".

"Anyways,", he continued. "Let's watch the movie. Hopefully you'll be asleep by the end of it, both because of how dry it supposedly is and how sleepy the cocoa will make you.".

He dubiously wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I pushed back the burning thoughts in my head and on my skin where we made contact. I was still considerably unaccustomed to this new affection I was experiencing, and my body was still navigating how I was to respond to such actions, especially coming from a male. An attractive male. Stop. Stop thinking like that. He's just being nice, and you don't even know what it feels like to like or love someone.

After a moment of thought and careful contemplation, my head began to pulse, and I succumbed, laying my head into his shoulder. His hand caressed my forearm gingerly as we began the movie. His eyes, however, gazed at my face. I could feel it. I couldn't help but rejoice inside. Maybe he cares. I didn't know people like him could even exist.

He wasn't wrong about the movie; it was incredibly boring and dry, not to mention flat out dumb. Regardless, I did in fact, to my surprise, laugh once in a while, Jug's breathing halting for a brief pause every time I did so. He was also correct in his prediction that I would be asleep before the movie ended. I felt so at peace for once, or at least that's what I had assumed the feeling to be. My soul felt... calm. I felt at peace. I felt safe. He began to discreetly rock out bodies side to side as he felt my breathing become heavier and steadier, releasing quiet shushes into the air to lull me to sleep.

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