Chapter 31

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          His voice was more calming than usual that afternoon as he let his fingers breeze through hair, my head atop his lap with the setting sun beaming onto my cheek. The light peeked over the pages of the book he held in his other hand and read allowed to me, inviting me to join him to get lost in our own little adventure together. His heart kept a steady rhythm, thumping ever so slightly behind my own, which felt as if it were pounding a mile a minute and threatened to burst within my chest.
          He chimed on and on, and it was almost as if I could sense the presence of the insects and creatures huddling near to listen along.
          It wasn't windy, but the dandelions surrounding us in the field danced nonetheless, swaying endlessly to celebrate the unfamiliar warmness. 
          Without warming, his reading came to a halt, and my little cinematic experience I had going in my head came to an abrupt pause. My eyes closed calmly, I felt my head being lifted before being placed back onto a cozy, muscular surface. Jug's chin rested on the top of my head as let out a heavy sigh of relief, an arm embosoming around my torso.
          A gentle kiss was laid down onto my forehead.
          "Be my girlfriend, Betty?", he asked under a brief, shallow, heart stopped breath.
          Mine stopped too, at least for a moment.
          But the answer was obvious before the question had been asked.
          "I'd love nothing more, Jug. You should know that by now. Besides, I assumed that we were already dating, I guess.".
          "I thought so too, but I wanted to make it official by asking you. I think it's important and stands as a symbol, asking you out officially. It will remain as a milestone for us and as a proper beginning to our journey. Does that make sense?". His hand grazed my back, his fingers sending tingles and goosebumps up and down it.
          "I-I've never been asked out before, obviously.", I replied surprisingly unashamedly. "I've never done this before, but yes, I agree on its importance for our... relationship.", I said, a smile smearing itself across my face and, apparently, his as well. His jaw relaxed against my forehead as he pulled me further on top of him before sitting up with me in his lap.
          "Come on then, princess. Let's go home and snuggle as you- we fall asleep. Does that sound alright to you, or do you wanna stay out here?", he inquired, pushing away the wispy stray hairs from my face.
          "Home, Juggie. Please?".
          "Your wish is my command, gorgeous.". He stood up without struggle, tossing me up slightly before marching up the hill. My eyelids became heavier, even as they remained closed, and my consciousness began to slip away.
           I can vaguely recall as jug draped a fuzzy polyester blanket on me up to my neck, tucking it gingerly and carefully under my arms that were clenched together against my chest as I'd grown colder. I hadn't changed clothes; I was too tired, and I'd somehow managed to gather the brain power to believe that we was, too.
          The bed dipped down behind me, the blanket lifted as he huddled under it and threw an arm over me, pulling my curled up, fatigued, limp body closer to his, which radiated with heat and everlasting comfort. I could all but help myself, rolling over to face him before tiredly nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.
          I shoved a leg hastily in between his own and began absentmindedly softly nibbling his neck, my arms around the back of it.
           "I love you, Juggie. Thank you so much for such a wonderful day.", I mumbled, which was followed by a muffle yawn.
           "I love you too, angel.", he whispered back, placing numerous kisses onto my forehead, pausing in between each one and lingering to experience, and allow me experience, the full feeling.
           "You get some sleep, okay? It's been a long day.".

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