Chapter 41

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A few weeks later...
           I smiled to myself, giggling as I admired my current progress on my masterpiece. I couldn't help but be tickled, and I, for once, had true hope in my ability and the fact that he might actually enjoy it.
          I sprinkled more blueberries into the batter, mixing it thoroughly as I hummed a cheerful little tune to myself that. It didn't take me long to realize that I'd been hearing Jug hum the same tune every morning as I woke up.
Well, that works out, now doesn't it?
          "I see you've adopted my little song...".
          I spun around, gasping loudly and clenching my chest and the counter, laughing while I struggled to steady my throbbing heart.
          "Maybe, maybe not. Either way, you, sir, are not supposed to be down here right now.".
          "And why would that be, Betts?".
          I glared, running up to him and shoving him lightly before wrapping him in a tight, passionate embrace.
          "Happy birthday, Juggie!", I whispered into his ear, nibbling his ear lobe before placing a gentle kiss onto it and backing away to admire his face and messy, unkempt morning hair.
          "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed.".
          "Ahh...", he murmured, putting on a very convincing act of contemplating and realizing the idea. His expression lifted and brightened after a moment while his nostrils flared slightly.
          "The blueberry muffins smell amazing, baby. I think the batch I can smell in the oven is nearly finished.".
          "SHIT! You distracted me. Thank you for reminding me.".
          "That's why I'm here; to distract you and from burning the entire house down.".
          "Shut up. Don't push it, birthday boy.".
          "You love me.".
          "I can neither confirm nor deny that statement.".
          "I think the celebratory birthday muffins suggest the former.".
          Jug's eyes remained locked on me from across the table, his fingers twirling the fork that had been stabbed into a chunk of his 7th pancake of the morning. The table began to jostle, so I peeked under the table to find his legs bouncing rapidly.
          "Anxious about something, Juggie?", I asked, though the smirk on his face told an entirely different tale.
            "Me? Anxious? Never, Cooper. I just love seeing your beautiful face while I eat these amazing pancakes.".
            "Then why are you shaking? I know you too well, Jug.".
            "I just told you.".
            I eyed him down, earning a mirthful, breathy laugh.
            "Okay, okay. I don't know if my stomach can physically handle finishing this... Besides, I want to spend time with you.".
            "Forget about the pancake, then.", I said, running over and snatching us his plate, stacking it on my own and hurrying to the sink to plop them both in the sink. They clinked concerningly loudly, but I didn't bat an eye. I jumped into his lap instead, immediately reaching for his hair to twirl between my fingers.
          "What would you like to do, my handsome birthday boy?".
          He said nothing, standing the both of us up before he pushed me back down onto his seat.
          "Race you to the backyard!", he yelled as he sprinted off, throwing the back doors open harshly while I squealed, racing to catch up to him.
          My silky blonde head of curls blew into my face, obscuring my sight while I tried to find where he'd managed to run off to.
          Suddenly, I screamed as I toppled to the ground, my hearing overwhelmed by the sound of his hearty giggles when he fell on top of me.
          "Hiya, baby!". He smiled, tapping his nose against mine and nudging it before leaning in for a kiss.
          "You're quite good at giving head massages.", Jug pointed out with a groan of pleasure, his face turning and burying itself into my lap. The wind blew calmly, pushing us and our swing back and forth slowly while the wind chimes sang little songs to us.
          "You sure you're not a professional?", he mumbled.
          "You should be.".
          We sat quietly, my hands gently rubbing his scalp while he sighed heavily and contentedly in between.
           I was surprised to hear a rather familiar tune, muffled by my thighs.
           "If you could see that I'm the one who understands you...".
           He paused a moment from his soft singing, breath withheld while he tried remembering the next line of lyrics.
          "Been here all along...", I continued.
          "So why can't you see...".
          He turned over, a smile of pure bliss and happiness plastered onto his face. His eyebrows raised briefly, his hand finding my shoulder before we took deep a shallow breath to finish.
          "You belong with me.".
          "So the angel can sing too, huh?", he stated, whistling in amusement.
          "Says you.", I retaliated, just as surprised. "And Taylor Swift songs, no less.".
          "What can I say? Everyone likes her old songs. Besides, it's an unforgettable love song... the lyrics don't even pertain to our relationship, but I love you, so does it matter?".
           I giggled, leaning into his hand that he brought up to my cheek.
           "No. No, it doesn't.".
          "The bath's going to start getting cold if you don't haul your ass in here soon, Juggie.".
          "I'll be there in a second, hold your horses!", he yelled back, the sound of clothes plopping onto the floor following.
          "You can get our clothes later, baby. There are bubbles...".
          The floor began to quake, the bathroom door soon flying open to reveal my shirtless beanie boy, visibly excited.
          "Did you say bubbles?".
          "Mhm. So, you gonna help me in, or what?".
          He lifted my shirt, kissing my cheek before it disappeared underneath. I pulled it the rest of the way while Jug reached around, unclipping my bra and letting it slide down my arms. He kicked off his own pants and boxers while I removed the rest of my own clothing.
          After a peck on the lips, he lifted me up and placed me in, making sure I was seated before he slipped in behind me. His arms wrapped around me while I sat between his legs, leaning on his chest and listening to the steady tranquility of his beautiful heartbeat.
          "You have no idea how grateful I am for you, Juggie. I don't know what I'd do without you.".
          "Likewise.", he whispered back. "But why?".
          "Isn't it obvious?". I let my eyes drift, starting to subconsciously rub sudsy water up his brawny arms. Even though we were in the bath, his lavender scent hadn't been washed away quite yet.
          Love practically radiated from his chest to mind. The feeling was indescribable.
          "Jug... I don't remember the last time I was this happy. You gave me this. You helped me. You helped me to feel again. I'm happy again. I didn't think that was even possible. I guess this is my way of trying to thank you... for everything.".
          His breath hitched, his muscles suddenly tense. I quickly whirled my head around, my eyes met with the sight of tears rolling down his cheeks. I hastily reached up, swiping them away with my wet hands.
         "What's wrong, Jug? What did I say?".
         "Nothing.", he said, though his tone dripped with conflict.
         "Betty, I know that look. Really, i-it's nothing. I'm just really h-happy for you. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to feel this way.
          I-I love you, Betty Cooper. I love you more than you'll ever know.".
          "I love you too, Juggie. So much.".
          I allowed myself to relax, sagging against him while his arms squeezed themselves around me. He cried silently, it was clear, but I'd accepted that it was out of relief.
          As I drifted to sleep, all I can remember thinking was that I wished I could've stayed there with him forever.

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