Chapter 11

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"Hey... What happened last night? You were sleeping so soundly and then I woke up to you hyperventilating and sobbing.", Jug whispered as he sat down onto the bed. He carried me upstairs the night before, I'm guessing because he wanted me to be more comfortable.

As if he cares. Why would care about a slut? He's not doing himself any favors. I'm only going to destroy his life, just like how I destroyed everyone else's.

"Don't worry about it, Jughead. It's none of your concern.", I responded harshly, turning over so that my back faced him. I felt the warmth of his hand on my back, then sliding upwards so that he could turn me back over.

"Please leave me alone.", I mumbled. "I'm only going to cause more pain in your life. You don't need that again. Stay away from me, for your own good.".

"Betty, what are you talking about? I told you...", he said as he moved to the other side of the bed so that he could see my exhausted, puffy face, still red from crying the light before. "... I'm going to be here for you when you need me. I'm here to help you. I want to help you. So please, don't push me away. Please let me help-".

"Jughead, I don't need your help. I-I don't w-want your help. Y-You might not c-care about me, b-but I ca-care about you. P-Please d-don't let me h-hurt you by doing th-this. I can't do i-it a-again. I can't!", I screamed, choking over my cries of desperation to shove him away that I would soon find to be futile. He was too stubborn.

He laid himself down beside me very quickly, joining me under the covers before he wrapped his arms around me once more. His hand forced my head into his chest as he hushed me, patting my hair soothingly. Despite my firm argument and intense shouts for him to stay away, I threw my arms around him, hugging him as tight as I could as if he might be the only glimmer of hope left in my life, though I truly didn't believe that existed for me anymore. He was just one more unfortunate being just waiting to be picked off by my antics.

"I-I told y-you to s-stay away, J-Jughead. Y-You need to l-listen to me.".

"No.", he stated. "No, I'm not going to leave you alone. I'm going to stay right here. We're going to hug for as long as you need. I'll be here for as long as you need me, I swear it. You don't need to be so afraid of hurting me. I know what you've been through, and I truly believe that I can help you.".

My breath hitched in shock, and my mind scrambled to interpret what he'd just said. "You don't know anything about me! I haven't told you much at all! I've told you the SMALLEST of details, so don't fucking lie to me with that shit! You don't know anything! How would you??".

"U-Um... right. I-I'm sorry. Y-Yeah, you're r-right, I guess. So... um, why don't you tell me about your past? Maybe then... Maybe then I'll understand. Maybe then I'll be able to effectively help you.".

My breath settled again as I reminded myself to breathe just like he'd told me. "It's okay, Jughead. It wasn't right for me to lash out. You were trying to help. God, what is the matter with me? Y-You were only trying to help me. Why do I always do this? I always create issues. I create nothing but issues for everyone around me. Who am I kidding? You probably don't even care. You're probably just going to take off as soon as you see how truly messed up I am and how fucked up my past was. You're probably just doing this for compensation or some other shit. You know what, maybe-".

He pulled me closer, almost suffocatingly so, and rolled me on top of him. "Don't say that, Betty. Please. If I didn't want to do this, to help you get better, I would've taken off by now. What will it take for me to convince you that I care?".

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