Chapter 34

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    A week later...
          "May I ask why you're here instead of cozied up with me, baby?", I heard a soft whisper behind me say.
          I sat on the cold tile floor in the sunroom, the windows open to let the fresh pretrichor in, along with the chilly wind accompanying the pounding rain. It was as close as I allowed myself to be to the wetness I would endure should au have gone outside, and I would've preferred not to get pneumonia.
          I jolted slightly as his voice, interrupting my silence that I'd stared into the for past half hour.
          "I'm sorry.", I said quietly. "I was just thinking and enjoying the presence of the rain. It's quite nice, don't you think?".
         "A woman of my own heart.", he responded, taking a seat beside me on the cold floor and kissing my temple with a smile. He wrapped an arm around me, quickly flinching away as soon as his hand made contact.
          "Woah there. Honey, your skin is fucking freezing. We're getting you inside, alright? We can go out together in the rain when it's not so cold. I don't want you getting sick. Come on, up up.", he ushered me onto my feet, his hands supporting me from under my arms in case I'd chosen the more difficult route: refusal. However, me being the angel that I was —but only for him—, I pulled myself up and huddled into him before scurrying inside.
          Jug chortled hysterically as he watched in amusement, leaning over and grasping his knees as he struggled to catch his breath."So you're trying to tell me that you weren't cold, miss 'run inside'?".
          I only stared back, smirking and jumping with a little giggle before running back towards him. As intended, I ran directly into him, both of us crashing down onto the floor in a fit of laughter.
          "Alright, princess. The floor is cold in here too, you know.". Jug strained to sit the both of us up, throwing me over his shoulder all while gaining enough balance to stand up and run over to the couch, throwing me onto it as I screamed and laughed uncontrollably, but I once again managed to pull him down with me.
          "What were you thinking about outside?", Jug asked bluntly, propping his chin up against my chest, staring up at me with his beautiful big blue eyes.
          "What a way to quickly change the subject, if I can even call it that.", I remarked. "Anyways, I was actually thinking about the color of my-our bedroom.".
          "You don't like it?".
          "Well, I don't know. I mean, my old room was just all dark and depressing and shit. While the pink and yellow is an improvement, it all feels... too forced, I guess, as if it's literally screaming 'be happy!'. I guess maybe I'd like something calmer. Does that make any sense? It probably doesn't. It's all very confusing-".
          "Gorgeous, you're rambling.". He pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear, biting his lip with a simper. "Anyways, it does make sense. Plenty of it. If you want to change it, we can absolutely do that.".
           "Any ideas?".
           "Uh... I'm not sure. It's your room, so you get to choose.".
           "No.". His eyebrows wrinkled together as my tone came out harsher than intended, his nose wrinkling slightly as well.
           I panicked to correct my little accidental outburst.
           "I-I'm sorry, Juggie! I didn't mean to lash out... I-It's just, it's not just my room. It's yours, too, as my boyfriend who sleeps with me every night and lives here with me. Therefore, you get a say in the color.".
          He became visibly more relaxed and he rested his head back onto my chest.
          "Well... what about a pastel purple? It's like... the happy medium. It's cooler toned and kinda calming, I guess, and it's a mix between your old blue room and your current pink one. What do you think?".
          "That sound perfect. Who knew you could have such good decorating ideas, love?", I teased, beaming ear to ear as I caught a strong whiff of his lavender scent.
          "Hush. You know I'm brilliant. Besides, it wasn't that hard. I just thought of the color that correlates with the reason you're so smiley right now.
           "Mm... no. The lavender helps, yes, and I adore it, but not quite as much as I adore you.".
            He flipped us over, placing a brief, doting kiss to my neck.
           "Likewise.", he mumbled. "I know it's the middle of the day, but we can paint tomorrow. I'll go out and get the paint supplies after I get another hour or two of cuddling, and I won't take any sort of vetoing.".

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