Chapter 18

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I encased the blanket tighter around my body, squeezing my eyes shut as I pulled my knees to my chest as an attempt to rid the queasiness. It was quiet, birds chirping merrily outside the window while the sun bursted through, causing me to see a sea of red. I turned around to face the back of the couch, only wanting to escape the morning and the terror I'd harked back to.
I recalled the events, each moment all too vivid and distinct to forget, to simply sweep away and dispose of. The screams and pleas that came from myself, the grunts of the repulsive man who'd forced himself on top of me, and the distinct cackles from my almighty mother, muffled by the door and the creaks of the bed, all infiltrated and sought to wear down my traumatized mind once again. It was too much. My chest caved in on itself, or at least it felt that way. My face gradually became wetter and wetter, the pillow under my head soon becoming the same as I continued to jolt with each painful sob.
The stairs creaked rapidly, followed by the floorboards as he came running closer. He wasted no time in lifting me up, providing room for himself as he shifted me down so I'd be sitting with my back against the arm of the couch. He quickly sat down in front of me, hauling my balled-up body into his lap, holding me tight and rocking me, a hand on my head.
"Shh. Hey, it's okay. I'm right here. You're safe now. Deep breaths, sweetie. You can do it. You're so strong, do you know that? You're so so strong. It's all-".
"I-If I was strong, i-it wouldn't have ha-happened to m-me!", I screamed into his shoulder before my cried increased in volume. "I-I can't do this. I-I don't know what to do, Jughead! I d-don't know that to do!". The arm around my back squeezed me slightly, and I felt him sigh in defeat when I began to shake vigorously.
"I'm so sorry, Betty... I don't know what happened, and I'm not asking you to tell me, but I hate seeing you like this. Is-Is this the first time you've had a nightmare like this?".
"No- Wait, how did you guess?".
"Uh... Um, I- well, I just figured since you woke up in the middle of the night shaking and crying like you are now. It was just an educated guess. Anyways, so this isn't the first time? What it like a-a flashback? ". The rocking subsided, and we sat there in near silence —my wails still very audible— while he awaited my answer. I wasn't sure if I should've told him. I didn't want him to ask anymore questions. Then again, it might be in my best interest. Maybe he won't ask anymore questions. If he does, I don't have to answer him anyways, but he can help me with what he knows.
"Yes, it was a f-flashback, and this isn't the first time I've had this one. H-However, I haven't had this one in a w-while.", I murmured, nervous of his response.
He lifted my head off of his chest, resting my forehead down onto his as he looked into my eyes. His were already tear-filled, his face wearing a very pronounced frown. "I'm so sorry for whatever happened, Betts. Just know that whenever you're ready to talk to me, if ever, I'll be here and I'll be ready to listen and comfort you. I don't want to pressure you into revealing anything, especially when the trauma you've endured is very apparent. It's obvious that this flashback really had an effect on you, and I'm not going to force you to reface that until you want to.". He forced a small smile as his eyes fluttered shut for a moment, allowing a tear to drop from each eye with a short sniffle.
"Why don't we just take your mind off of whatever happened? You might not particularly like the sound of this idea, but we should go on a run together. I don't explicitly enjoy running, per se, but I find that it can help clear your thoughts and give you a more tolerable mindset sometimes.".
I frowned at him. I despised running. Though I despised my mother far more, it was still one of the things that came close. Then again, my mother had always forced me to go on runs. I'd never had the chance to make that choice for myself, and I always resented the idea after I was no longer in her clutches.
He chuckled, seemingly unsurprised by my reaction. One of his hands fell onto my leg, which tensed at the contact, and he pulled our foreheads apart for a better view.
"I'll make you hot chocolate afterwards. You can even help me, if you'd like. Then, we can watch a movie, or I can read to you. Your choice.".
"You had me at hot chocolate. I'll go get dressed.".

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