Chapter 39

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Cold air smacked me across the face when I threw our double doors open, strutting into the backyard, the dew on the grass latching to my bare feet. The towering tree in the corner shielded bits and pieces of the light that chilly day, the sun's rays peeking through the leaves like little spotlights, speckling the drier ground beneath.
          It didn't take long to locate the pile of wood at the very back near the fence. I'd discovered it lying there very early on. Though unused, it remained shielded by the trees that lined the perimeter of the yard, and had managed to gather a minimal amount of dirt and grime.
          It would do just fine.
          I'd recalled a shed being located on the opposite end of the yard, sprinting over in hopes that it would contain the assorted tools I would require for whatever I'd plan on making on the way there.
          On the trip back, I came up with the perfect thing.
          It won't make up for what I said, neither will it make up for the fact that I don't do anything around here. However, hopefully it'll help, if even just a little bit.
          I just hope he likes it.
          And with that, I got to work. I hammered and nailed and cut tirelessly, ignoring the light drizzle that began around and above me, disregarding the droplets that trickled down my forehead and onto my eyelashes. I kept the wood dry, sitting under the tree I would also put to use at the finish of the current project.
          What seemed like a few minuscule seconds went by, but the sun rose higher and higher up into the endless blue, she shadows shifting and morphing around me. I heard a door creak open, followed by the sound of stop footsteps trudging through the moist ground, sloshing ever so quietly.
          He approached gradually, and my uncovered shoulders were met with fuzz and immediate warmth that I hadn't realized I'd needed.
          "Thanks, but the blanket's gonna get dirty, Jug.", I muttered coldly, lifting it off and holding it behind me for him to take. He only pushed against me in retaliation, forcing it back around my shoulders before taking a seat beside me.
           "I don't care. I'll buy a new blanket if I have to.", he responded. "It's cold out here, and seeing as I know you're too stubborn to go back inside, I thought I'd at least keep you from getting pneumonia.".
          I didn't respond. Instead, I let my head stoop forwards slightly, redirecting my focus to my halfway-finished project until he spoke again.
          "Hand me the drill and screwdriver, please.".
          "Jughead, please go back inside. I've got it covered.".
          "This is not up for debate.", he stated firmly. "Not to be rude, but I won't ask again. Please hand me the screwdriver and the drill. If you don't, I'll just go find other ones.".
          Reluctantly, I complied, dropping them into his hands and staring as he got to work alongside me.
          For reasons unbeknownst to me, in that moment, I felt better.
          "There...", he said, wiping his hands on his soiled pants while smiling proudly at our new swing that now hung, the now clear skies allowing for light to beam around it to display it in all it's glory.
          "How'd you even know I was building a swing?".
          "Well,", he sighed. "This isn't the first swing I've built, but I seemed like your first... No offense, of course. You were definitely getting somewhere, as far as I could tell.
          I used to build swings for and with my little sister.", he explained, taking a deep breath before looking up at me for the first time in hours. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, arms outreached and embracing me before I had the chance to decline. His shirt was warm from his body heat and dry in comparison to my damp one, his scent earthy from sitting outside in the damp weather. My head immediately fell to his neck, burying itself into it before it began to become wet and salty.
          He said nothing, only rubbing my back calmly and gently as he let me silently cry onto his soft, velvety skin.
          "Go sit on our beautiful bench-swing.", he stated, pulling my head up and wiping the tears off of my nose
          "Well, we just sat out here for hours building it, so why shouldn't you? Besides, I want to take some pictures so that I can remember how beautiful you look today.".
           I laughed in disbelief, chewing my fingernail as I did. "Jug, I'm literally filthy. My hair is in a messy bun, and I'm wearing sweats and a tank top.".
           "Oh, and that for some reason makes a difference in your beauty? Ridiculous.". He took my hands, pulling me over and sitting me down promptly. Then, he reached up, hopping slightly to reach the flower he'd been seeking to pluck off the trees. Successful, he leaned down, tucking it behind my ear before he ran back inside to fetch his camera.
           We both ended up on the swing, his back against one of the arms while I landed on top of him, hands under his shirt and trailing up and down his chest while his tugged their way through my hair. He bit my lip as our kiss steadily became more intimate, the passion in each one becoming increasingly more entrancing. Our tongues found each other, sliding against one of each other. I let out a small, delicate moan, him reciprocating before groaning slightly louder, then pulling away slowly and letting our lips pop.
          He smiled warmly.
          "I just wanted to say thank you. Betty, for making the swing. It might not have been for me, and I know you didn't even particularly desire my company when I arrived, but I'm glad I got to share this experience with you.".
          "For the record, it was for you.", I responded, a little smiley and blushing. "I wanted to do something for you, and I felt bad about what I said. I wanted to show you-".
          "You don't have to show or explain anything.". He brushed the hair that hung down out of my face, pulling it behind my head and bunching it all together in his hand.
          He chuckled, biting down harshly onto his bottom lip without breaking eye contact.
          "It's cold, Betts. You're shivering. Also... my back hurts. Can we cuddle inside, on the bed, maybe?".
          "You don't have to ask me twice, silly.". I patted his face playfully, dropping a kiss to his nose before rushing to get up and relieve him from his pain.
          "First one up gets to be the big spoon!".
          "Betts! I- You got a head start! Get back here!".

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