Chapter 32

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My face began to tingle repeatedly in various spots as the weight of a muscular body on top of me dragged me into consciousness. I groaned tiredly before bursting into a brief, quiet fit of giggles.
"Good morning to you too, Juggie... But can we please cuddle and go back to sleep, please?", I asked, following my plea with a yawn.
"It's early, yes, but I think we should do something else.", he replied cheerily, his words practically dripping with excitement.
"What could possibly be so exciting that we can't wait until later, Jug?".
"We should go on a run! The weather's nice, and it would be a good opportunity to spend time together while exercising! NOT that you need it, of course. I just think it could be nice to try it...". He sounded guilty towards the end, and I could sense the pout on his face as he let himself go limp on top of me.
"I know you're not mocking my body, Jug. Don't worry. It's all good, okay?".
"So, you'll come with me?".
"I didn't say-".
"I'll make you hot chocolate and whatever you want for breakfast when we get back...".
"Get off of me so that I can get changed then, you goof.", I teased, surprising him with both my decisive response and sudden kiss. I poked my tongue in for only a moment, inhaling deeply as if it would imprint the memory onto my lips before pulling away.
"Just so you know," I stated as we both got out of bed. "I'm not going on a run with you because you bribed me. I'm going because I love you and, not to mention, you love me. You'd do the same for me if i were in your shoes.".
He whirled back around from making his way to the bathroom, rushing over to me to lift me up and hold me tight.
"Damn right I do, and damn right I would. You're too cute for your own good, Cooper.".
"There she is!" Jug called out from the breakfast table as I stepped carefully down the stairs, smiling cheekily with a steaming mug in front of him, as well as another beside his own. The back of my shirt dampened, sticking to my back from the water still in my hair from my shower. I wasn't complaining, though. How could I when I smelled like lavender?
I sighed tranquilly.
"What a beautiful sight." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.
"What is?".
"That lovely cup of hot chocolate beside yours!", I exclaimed teasingly.
"Oh yeah... You're here too.". I exhaled with fake disappointment, though my eyes remained twinkling at him.
"You tease... Get over here and sit with me... please?". He pouted his lips an widened his eyes, patting my vacant seat desperately.
I complied unreluctantly, scampering over and seating myself on top of him instead before pecking his nose.
"I love being able to kiss you now.".
"The feeling is mutual, Betts. I'm really sorry about how I reacted the first time.". He offered an apologetic half smile, leaning back into his chair and pulling me down with him.
"Jug...It's okay, really. You don't owe me any explanations. I took you by surprise.".
"Yeah...", he mumbled. "Y-Yes, you took me by surprise. But I'm glad you kissed me.
Um...". His voice trailed off, his teeth hooking around his bottom lip as he chewed and contemplated.
"I'm gonna tell you about my high school and college experience. I was supposed to tell you the other day, but I guess we let it slip.".
I replied with welcoming silence, gazing at him with profound curiosity and concern, considering how hesitant he seemed to open up about it. I accompanied it with a reassuring shoulder rub.
"Well, there's really not that much to it, really." he stated. "I was bullied. I was bullied a lot. Other kids were constantly shoving me around and calling me names like 'weirdo', 'loner', 'loser', 'pedophile', 'creep', and other shit like that. It was all bullshit, I know that now. I knew it then, too, but I still let them dig under my skin. I became really really depressed because of it.
I promise you, though, I'm perfectly fine now. I-I've outgrown that vulnerable, delicate stage of my life, and I've moved on to better things. So, I guess I kind of understand part of what you went through. I mean, my parents never abused me or... um, well, they never hurt me, but others used their words. I'm not trying to b-belittle you or anything. Obviously what happened to you was significantly more traumatizing and severe, s-".
"Baby, breathe.", I interrupted, throwing my hand onto his mouth. Then I felt my face become hot, almost feverish, as if I might pass out from embarrassment.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-".
"It's okay, baby.", he whispered, beaming ear-to-ear. "I've been waiting to call you that, too. I wasn't sure when it would be kosher to use pet names that personal or when you would be comfortable.". His hand reached up, ruffling my hair, a spray of water sprinkling around.
"God, I love you... Anyways, um, I don't think you're belittling my experience in any way. What you went through is still awful and inhumane, if you ask me. By the way, you're none of those things.", I declared calmly and with confidence, sitting up proudly as much as I could seeing as I was still curled up in his lap.
"You're sure you're okay now, though? It's okay if you're not. You can talk to me.".
He pulled me back down to lay on his chest, cradling me in his arms.
"I know, Betts. I promise you, I'm completely fine now, okay? No need to worry about me, baby. How about we drink some cocoa?" he suggested before quickly nibbling my earlobe.
I tittered, clasping onto his face and bringing it back to look into his eyes and connect our foreheads, smiling sillily.
"It's about time! We wouldn't want your masterpiece getting cold.".

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