Chapter 44: Hell Hound's Resolve and Loyalty part 1

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Y/n was currently sitting outside the garden of the Belladonna enjoying the sun shining down on him. It had been about a n hour since the Albain brothers visited and the atmosphere was tense to say the least. Blake had barricaded herself in her room while Sun was doing something. Meanwhile Whitley was talking with his girlfriend, and Toshinori was talking with  Vulcan.

Y/n: 'Everyone seem so busy...' 

As Y/n was looking towards the sky. Cinder and Neo appears in front of Y/n's face.

Cinder: "Hey Y/n!"

Y/n: "Hm? Oh hey Cinder. Hey Neo, what's up?"

Neo: *text and shows Y/n her scroll* 'Roman, Emerald and Mercury are right now are being to noisy downstairs. So I went with Cinder to see what you are up to?"

Y/n: "Well..not much.." 

Cinder: "You worried about the others right now?"

Y/n: "Yeah... can you blame me?" *Cinder takes a closer look at Y/n's eyes and noticed how it had bags underneath them*

Cinder: "Have you been sleeping enough?"

Y/n: "No...mainly because of Mr. Toshinori's training regiment and his.. mushroom soup.." *cringes in disgusted* "Ugh.. but more importantly I'm worried about the others.. Ruby, Yang, Team JNPR, Anubis, Rook and  Weiss.."

Cinder: "Y/n." *Cinder gently lifts Y/n's head as she lets him rest his head on her thighs, which causes him to blush a bit* "I understand but you shouldn't be working yourself to death.."

Y/n: *sighs* "I guess.." *Cinder gently brushes Y/n's head which causes a warm soothing feeling thru with his body. Which causes him to get more and more drowsy* 'Why does that feel so nice...' *lets out a yawn before falling soundly asleep* 

Cinder: "Hehe.." *smiles* 'I missed this warm gentle feeling from you Y/n.' 

Neo: *smirk and signs* 'You two gotten really close fast.'

Cinder: "Hehe..yeah.." *looks over to the sleeping Y/ and she smile gently*

(With Weiss and Anubis)

Anubis: "WEISS HANG ON!" *Anubis is running after some mysterious brown haired woman who has Weiss tied up in ropes and tape on her mouth alone.*

Now you all maybe asking...when the hell this happened? Let's rewind around the same time as when Blake's team were on the ship to Menagerie.

Alright there you go and...there we go.

(Around same time as Blake's group. Weiss P.o.V:)

After hearing that her mother wanted to see her, I had to leave the tell the others that I will meet with them later. But Anubis decided to come along with me. When the Bullhead lands ,I slowly walk out of Bullhead and we slowly walked to the Family Mansion.  The large, yet empty home made me feel a bit lonely. We walk inside alongside her boyfriend, I was lucky to have him with me otherwise. I would feel so alone.

Anubis: "Hm..this place is really nice.. though very quiet.."

 " had been very quiet for a long time.." *has sad on my face, Anubis puts his hand on my shoulder*

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