Chapter 37: Flames of the Siblings Bond

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Weiss and Rook were currently helping team JNPR with the large Grimm and were cutting at it'sfeet. Weiss used Ice dust and frozes its legs in place, while Ren and Jaune slashes its heels. While Rook and Pyrrha stabbed its front and Nora smashes its back causing it to be impaled and crushed at the same time. The large grimm then dissolves, and two teams are left exhausted.

This then a large multiple water/ bullets, arrows and laser fire above them hitting multiple Grimm above. They turn to see Kaito, Kamex, Uryu, and Ruby running towards them.

Ruby: "Mission accomplish."

Rook: "Best News I heard all day!"

Suddenly they heard a low groan, they turn to see Whitley and Y/n soaking wet. Y/n  was unconsious.

Weiss: "Whitley! Y/N!"  *The other walk over to the othe two brothers and Whitley gently puts his big brother down.* "Y/n! Y/n! Can you hear me!"

Ruby: *sees he was not breathing* "Move! Y/n taught me CPR!" *Weiss moves and Ruby begins to perform compresses and then puts her lips against pushing airs into his lungs moves away* "Come on* *Repeats procedure* "Come on!" *Does it one more time this time Y/n coughs out water taking a deep breath panting* 

Y/n: *weaken* ""

Whitley: *pulls his beg brother to a hug crying* "You're okay!!" 

Y/n: "Yeah.....I hate the ocean..."

Suddenly multiple gun fire can be heard nearby and screeching of grimm.

Kaito: "We need to give them back up!"

Kamex and Uryu nods and soon runs off with Kaito to help out against the foes.

Y/n: *looks at Ruby, Weiss, and Whitley* " out.."

Weiss: "But Y/n!" 

Jaune: *steps up* "We will keep him safe.."

Pyrrha: "Right! Leave it to us."

Ruby, Whitley and Weiss look at each other and then nods. Ruby kisses Y/n on his lips which he returns before the three of them run off to help.

Whitley and Weiss run off opening fire to help them out. As they run off Whitley and Weiss stops as they see Blake and Anubis fending off Adam Taurus and struggling.

Weiss: "Anubis...HANG ON!" *Runs off with Whitley."

Adam: "This could've been our day!  Can't you see that?!"

Blake: "I never wanted this! I wanted equality! I wanted peace!"

Adam: "What you want is impossible! But I understand because all I want is you, Blake."


Adam walks over to a beaten and bruised Anubis, drawing his sword. 

Adam: "There is no need for a hell hound!" *raises his sword* "So you can perish."

Anubis closes his eyes: "He....who has no honor...will end without honor.."

Adam drops down his sword to finish off Anubis only for Weiss to parries Adam's attack. Meanwhile Whitley jumps into the away and delivers a hard round house at Adam's side. The White Fang's second in command quickly gets up and looks up to see both sibling weapon glaring at him.

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