Chapter 46: Beings from Hell plus Ice Queen Versus Raven

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(Begin Music)

Anubis and Weiss begin the fight by clashing blows with Raven, who was able to hold her own against the two. However she was soon getting pushed back when Y/n soon jumps into the fray and pushes Raven back and unleashes a enormous Wild fire at the Tribal Leader soon engulfing her in flames. 

However her eyes soon begin to glow quickly extinguishing the flames with massive gust of wind. She then unleashes. Weiss quickly loads ice dust crystal into  Myrtenaster and stabs it to the ground unleash her own cluster of Ice Dust straight toward Raven, which causes Raven to counter with a massive wildfire. The flames quickly melt down the ice, and were heading straight towards Weiss, but Anubis quickly jumps in front of Weiss and he quickly absorbs the flame into his own body.

Raven: "Fool, help out that girl will prove the long run." *She then unleashes a bolt of light straight towards the two, which Anubis unleashes his own Hellfire to counter the bolt of lighting but was slowly getting pushed back.*

Anubis: 'Damn...even with the boost from my Flame Absorption ability...I'm still getting pushed back.." *Suddenly Weiss grabs onto her boyfriend's back and help him stand his ground*

Weiss: "Don't give up got this!"

Raven: "JUST FALL!" *Raven's lighting attack begins to grow however Another stream of fire soon joins in with Anubis' flame. She turns her head and clenches her teeth* "DAMN YOU ALTAIR!" *Camera pans over to Y/n, who is seen smirking as he is unleashing a torrent of flame alongside Anubis.*


Anubis: "Got it!" 

Raven's *eyes widen to and scream in rage as she add ice and fire too her own attack but to her shock it was pushed back* "H-HOW?! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!"

Anubis: *as Anubis begins to step forward* "Because unlike you! We have a reason to fight!" *keeps walking toward Raven as a light begins to shine from Ravenous* "They're people waiting for us.." *images of Vulcan, Saffron, Whitley, Rook, RWBY, and JNPR* "Friends and Family, who we will gladly give our lives for.." *The Jewel on Ravenous begin to glow more and more brighter* "AND WE ALSO FIGHT FOR A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL THE OF REMNANT! SO IF YOU THINK WE WILL LOSE TO YOU?! THEN YOU CAN BURN THAT THOUGHT AWAY BITCH!"

Raven: "W-who the hell are you?!"

Anubis: *smirks* "Tch... you really want to know! Fine?! I AM ANUBIS VULCAN, THE JIGOKU NO BANKEN!"

Suddenly hellfire swirls around Anubis as the bright light from the gemstone in Ravenous, engulfs him in itself s well as dispelling attacks from both sides. Raven, Y/n and Weiss' eyes widen in awe as the bright light dome soon shatters like glass revealing Anubis, in his new form)

(Anubis Mega form, with new weapons and Attire look minus blood))

(Anubis Mega form, with new weapons and Attire look minus blood))

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Raven: *eyes widen with horror* "I-Impossible.."

Weiss: "Amazing"

Y/n: *smirks* "About damn time.. Hell Hound."

Anubis: *snarls as hell flames leaks out of his mouth* "TIME TO END THIS!" *Anubis quickly rushes down Raven with his new Blades.*

Weiss: *was about to engage until Y/n stops her* "Y/n..."

Y/n:  "Anubis is running the show now!" *the two look on with Y/n with a smile on his face*

Anubis is seen overpowering Raven, who was struggling to hold her own against the teen. She tries to unleash another bolt of lighting but to her dismay, all she gets were small crackles of electricity.

Raven: 'No not now!' *is blasted away by Anubis' hell fire*

Anubis: "Looks like you are running low of energy to unleash any attacks!" *slowly walks towards her and combine his two Daggers into a Long Sword which Black Hell fire begins to spew out of blade* "This is the End for You RAVEN BRANWEN!" *He begins to rotate his sword in a circular motion as Black Fire shoot out out of the ground in between the two* "BEYOND LIMIT!!!" *runs at Raven at blinding speeds* "VEGA SLASH!" 

In a single slash, Raven is caught in a Enormous Explosion of Black Flame, screaming in agony as her aura shatters completely. Anubis' body began to surround its in the bright light again before reverting back to his old self. He then rotates Ravenous in sword form before sheathing it back in it's hilt.  Anubis then moves his hand away causing the flames to extinguish themselves. Raven is seen so the ground, badly scared and covered in 3rd degree burns but some how still alive. (With her clothes and hair some how intact).

(End Music)

Anubis: "Never mess with me, my family or anyone else ever again..." *He turns away and begins to walk over to the two Schnee siblings* 

Y/n: *Weiss runs over to him hugging him tightly as Anubis, he walks over to him with a smile on his face* "Nice work..Hellhound.." *raises his fist for a fistbump*

Anubis: "Hehe.. Thank you Y/n.." *fistbumps Y/n* "And welcome back.."

Gruff Male Voice: *offscreen* " kids know how to make a  lot of fucking noise.." *The three look over to see a tall muscular Bear Faunus walking over, pulling out a cigarette out of his mouth before exhaling smoke* "Well then that's not really my problem..."

Y/n: *eyes widen as he soon walks over to the man as Weiss and Anubis had a confused look on their faces* "Sorry about that.."

Man: "Seriously kid.. you shouldn't rush things.."

Anubis: "Uh...Y/n?" *Y/n looks over to the two* "You know this old dude?"

Y/n: "Oh right.." *gestures to the stranger* "...Anubis, Weiss.... this guy is the man who helped me recover, and is training me right now..."

"Yami Sukehiro"

(Yami with Black Bear ears on top his head)

Yami: *just simply raises his hand and sighs and in nonechalant bored tone* "Yo

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Yami: *just simply raises his hand and sighs and in nonechalant bored tone* "Yo.."

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