Chapter 29: Well... this is happening

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Y/n was currently in outside look up to the sky. He looks at his claw gauntlet and reaches out to the sun. He closes her hand and smiles.

Y/n: *to himself* "Heh I'm going to show you how strong I've become." He looks up and looks in the shadow. "You can come out now. I know you're over there..."

A brown haired girl wearing a white fang mask walk out appearing out of thin air with a blade in her arm.

??: "How long have you know I was here?"

Y/n: "A long it is rude to not introduce yourself Miss Chameleon"

???: "Fair enough..." *she takes off her mask showing her face.*

"My name is Iila Amitola

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"My name is Iila Amitola...I was sent here find you Y/n Ignasio..or should I say Y/n Schnee."

Y/n: "Oh is that a fact?"

Iila: " see the White Fang Leader Sienna Khan wanted to have a word with you..."

Y/n: "Oh really?" *He slowly gets up* "And why would she have a interest in me..?"

Iila: "Well, the most of the White Fang see you as a hero. Is it true that you killed Jacques Schnee?"

Y/n: "Yeah, and?"

Iila: "Well, this caught Mistress Khan's will you come and follow me.."

Y/n: *is silent for a moment* "No..."

Iila: "W-What?!"

Y/n: "No, with White Fang as it is now. I rather not. Before White Fang used to be a peaceful organization, a group I used to respect...using words instead of Violence to achieve their goals. Now, they grown violent and kill to get anywhere..."


Y/n: *stand up and give her a cold stare which scared her to death* "Funny I don't recall saying that I killed him because I am a faunus...or a Schnee...." *Iila was frozen in fear as Y/n continued* "I didn't kill that fucker because of White Fang....I didn't just kill him for harming faunus kind...hell I didn't kill him because he hurt me...." *he begins to walk away as he thinks of his siblings* "I killed him because he had the audacity to raise his filthy hand against my pride..." *looks back at Iila as she looks at him* "I will think about your offer..but until then my answer is still no...and next time Tell Mistress Khan to come to me not vice versa..I'm a busy teen." 

He turns and walk away leaving the astonished Iila to herself. He soon makes into the courtyard and notices the crowd of people which included Weiss, Ruby and Whitley. He also hears swords slashing he walks over the three.

Y/n: "Hey you three, what's going on?"

Weiss: *Whitley and Ruby turns to look at Y/n.* "Y/n! There you are! Some crazy guy just started to attack Winter!"

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