Chapter 15: Winter's suffering

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Your P.o.V:

You were currently watching Pyrrha defeating Team CRDL by herself in Mrs. Goodwitch's class. You were studying her fighting, how she was moving, attack, and even how she used her semblance. 

'Hm Magnetism huh..'

Glynda approaches Cardin who is clutching his ribs and Pyrrha leaving arena.

Glynda: "And that's the match."

Cardin: "Lucky shot."

Glynda: "Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

Pyrrha: "Thank you, professor."

Glynda: *Tapping her scroll.* "Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers? Ms Belladonna?" *Blake slams her book shut and stares wide-eyed at Glynda.* You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-"

A boy with gray hair raises his hand

Gray hair: "I'll do it."

Glynda: "Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent."

Mercury: "Actually,I wanna fight.....*point at you* him."

You look over at Mercury.

Glynda: Y/n has already qualified for the Vytal Tournament and he needs to be resting. I recommend you choose another part-"

You stood up and immediately jumped into the arena. You look over at Mercury.

"Let's dance..."

Mercury walks into the arena visibly sizing you up.

Mercury: "Heh I will show you aren't some hot shot."

You just looked at him bored out of your mind.

Glynda: "Begin!"

Ruby P.o.V:

I was looked behind to my new friend Emerald as Y/n and her team member was fighting each other. But surprisingly Y/n wasn't using his semblance and was easily dodging Mercury's attacks.

"Hey, your friend doing pretty good." 

Emerald smile and but before I could look back Mercury crashes next to Emerald in a small crater, his aura at zero. We both look over to see Y/n still in the arena still with all his aura at green.

Y/n: "Next time don't bore me to Death.." Y/n hops up into the stand and looks over at Emerald with a deadly glare. "And you, tell Your boss and your queen to fuck off." *You walk away as the bell rings.*

I look at Emerald who's eyes are widen in shock and horror. What did Y/n mean by boss, and Queen? I should go and ask him later about it.

An alarm sounds which jolts Blake who has nodded off and Y/n left.

3rd P.o.V:

As everyone else leaves Mercury stops beside Emerald.

Mercury: *sarcastic tone as he groans from pain* "Learning is so much fun."

Emerald rolls her eyes

Mercury: "That Y/n guy...he's more tougher than I thought."

Emerald: "He didn't even use his semblance."

Mercury: "What concerned me was he knows about Cinder and Mistress Salem...but how?"

As they were talking a certain masked girl with red hair listens in and sneaks herself away

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