Chapter 17: I am so lucky..

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3rd P.o.V:

You were currently in the Bullhead with Klein heading back to Beacon academy. Klein looks over to you to see you scared out of your mind, as you were twiddling your thumbs. Klein gently rest his hand on your shoulders. You look over to Klein who give you a reassuring smile. "

Klein: "Master Y/n-"

Y/n: "You don't need to be formal with me Klein.."

Klein: "Nonsense, you may see me as your father, but I am still simply a butler to your family."

Y/n: "" You look so unsure of yourself you were scared that the friends and family will see as a monster. This was the first time in a long time you were terrified.

Klein: "Master Y/n...Y/n..don't think negatively of yourself.." You look at him

Y/n: *sad tone* "I'm just scared...I'm scared that they..think I'm a monster...a murderer...a failure.."

Klein: *gets up* "That is rubbish!" *He places his hands on your shoulders and you look up and face him* "I know your sisters, brother and friends would be never think that. I know they will be very proud of you..because I am proud of you." 

You begin to tear up, Klein pulls you to a heartwarming hug. You hug him back. Klein...good old Klein...he had always been there for you since thick and thin. Always by your side no matter what. 

The Bullhead soon lands down on Beacon ground and you and Klein exit the Bullhead.

You look up to see Your siblings, Winter, Weiss, and Whitley running over to you, RBY, JNPR following you.

Weiss: *annoyed but worried* "Brother Where have you been? You had us worried all day."

Y/n: *look away clearly upset* "Sorry sis..."

Klein: "intervenes* "Master brother had a long day.."

Whitley: *looks at you worried* "Big brother are you okay...?"

You look at Winter who simply nods with sad look and you sigh.

Y/n: "We all need to talk..."

Your friends and Siblings at each other and then nodded.


You: "...and that's what happened and learned.."

You were in your room sitting on your bed. You had just finished telling everything that happened. About Winter's suffering to you ending Jacques. Everyone was shocked of what they just heard. Weiss and Whitley were the most shocked of what they just happened. Weiss and Whitley look at Winter, who was looking at you worried for you.

You: "I..understand if you guys...see me as a monster...I don't blame you.."

Everyone was completely silent you could hear all the negativity in your head going into your head. You slowly begin tear up until Blake gently res her hands on your shoulder. You look up at her at her tears running down her face. She then hugs you gently.

Blake: "It's okay....Y/n don't cry..."

You look at Blake surprised. Whitley walks over and nods.

Whitley: "Big Brother you did nothing wrong...You did the right thing!"

Y/n: "Whitley..."

Yang: *She soon hugs your tightly.* "You did all of us a service.*

Y/n: "Yang..."

Ruby: *hugs you crying* "Y/n you're not alone....Y/n you have all of us.."

Y/n: "Ruby..."

Jaune: "You were there when I was down, and right now you didn't do anything wrong. I will gladly be on your side."

Y/n:*begin to tear up* "Jaune..."

Pyrrha: "Serves that man right I hope the devil enjoys torturing him!"

Y/n: "Pyrrha..."


Ren: " know what...I will let that slide..fuck that bastard.."

Y/n: "N-nora...R-ren..."

Weiss walks up to you, you look up and you see her serious. At first you were scared.

Weiss: "Y/n.." *slowly begins to tear up* "Didn't you learn don't need to carry everything over your shoulders..." She then hugs you tightly crying over your shoulders. "You dunce..."

You soon couldn't take it anymore, you soon begin to cry over your shoulders. You feel a wave of relief crawl over your shoulders. You were so scared that they would hate you. But they didn't.

Y/n: "I...I'm so lucky to family like you all..."

Whitley and the others soon join in the group hug as you are pulled into a hug of love and friendship. You were truly blessed by this.

Later they release from their embrace. You look over at Winter who was still looking away from you all. You look at your sibling then at your friends. 

Y/n: "Can you all give me and my siblings...a moment...all of us siblings.."

Winter looks up then turns her head to look at you.

Ruby: "Okay... come on guys!"

Everyone soon walks outside. Blake stops herself for one second and kisses your lips before running outside with others. You turn your head as see Weiss was covering Whitley's eyes from you kissing Blake.

You all soon got up and walked over to Winter, Winter braced herself all of you to yell at her

Weiss: "Why..?"

Winter: *looks up* "Huh.."

Weiss: "Why didn't you just tell us?"

 Winter: *looks away* "I-I thought...I deserved..the hate..especially after..the 'incident'.."

You felt sympathy for your older sister but you saved you judgement after Weiss.

Weiss: "After all this...I think it's time for all of us to heal.." *You watched to see she slowly wipes away make up of her left eye. You're eyes widen in shock to see a scar on her eye.

Winter: *eyes widen* "Y-you mean..."

Weiss: *hugs Winter tightly* "I forgive you Big sister..."

Winter: 'Weiss.."

Whitley walks over to Winter.

Whitley: "I can't forgive you yet for hurting big brother..." Winter looks down " time I slowly will..." Winter looks up to see Whitley crying as he hugs Winter as well.  "We were all in a way victims of Jacques Schnee..."

Winter: "Whitley..."

You finally stand up and walked over to Weiss,

Y/n: "When did you get that scar?!"

Weiss: " was from a performance...Jacques slashed me with a shard of glass..:

Y/N: "Welp hope he burns in hell."

You looked at Winter

Y/n: "Well I think you deserve more chance.."

Winter: *begin to tear up* "Y-Y/n."

You: "You been living in darkness or to's time you been guided back to the light...*Winter begins to cry* "I forgive you big sis.." You soon joined in the group hug. Winter hugs you all back  crying. 

Finally after along time your Sibling finally been reunited as a family.

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