Chapter 22: Search and Destroy part 1

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The opening shows the surprised faces of Team RWBY and the smirking faces of Team (F/I).WAR upon seeing their 2 guides for the week.

Weiss: "Professor Oobleck?"

Anubis: "Dad!"

Vulcan walks off of Oobleck, who gets up and looks at his associate with an irritated look.

Oobleck: *talking fast, per the norm, as he paces in front of the students* "Yes, I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary, girls, seeing as you've opted to shadow a Huntsman on what is new essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you, we will not be establishing a single base of operations; rather, we will be traversing several miles of -"

Vulcan: *cuts him off with irritated and annoyance on his face and tone*

Vulcan: *cuts him off with irritated and annoyance on his face and tone*

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Team (F/I).WAR burst out laughing form Vulcan's Outburst. Oobleck looks at Vulcan with anger.

Oobleck: "How very rude of you, Honestly Vulcan I thought you were taught to respect your people."

Vulcan: "Yeah, well at least I don't sit back and watch people fight their own battle." *walks up to your team* "So how have you been, I see Rook has finally joined your team."

Rook: *bows his head* "It has been long time Master Vulcan."

Vulcan: *nods and then looks at Weiss and Whitley." "So...I heard you two are dating Anubis and Saffron." 

Weiss and Whitley begin to blush hard.

Weiss and Whitley: "W-well u-um s-sir y-you s-see u-um..."

Vulcan puts his hands on both their shoulders. You siblings look up and see Master Vulcan smiling. 

Vulcan: "Heh take good care of them for me okay."

Weiss and Whitley looked at each other than back at him and nodded.

Whitley: "Yes sir!"

Weiss: "We will!"

Vulcan: "Good,just know that if you make them cry..or you cry because of them....Y/n will let me know."

They looks over to Y/n who just waves at them. Weiss and Whitley gulp out of worry.

Vulcan: "Alright then, Come on kiddies lets move."

Vulcan begins to walks away with Professor Oobleck behind him.

Both teams begin to follow.

Ruby: *positive and upbeat before suddenly becoming as depressed as her team halfway though.* "Well, alright, then! Looks like we're going to save the world with Professor Ooooobleck- okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse."

Nora: *offscreen* "Save the world?"

The two teams turn around to see Nora and team JNPR approaching.

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