Chapter 3: Time to light the bacon... I mean Beacon

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Your P.o.V

You look over the window of the bullhead to see Beacon Academy.  I look at the marvelous massive school, as it looked more like a castle than anything.  

"Not bad." 

Weiss : "Enjoying the view Brother." 

You look over to your sister and her team members who is at you smiling you smile back at her a bit.

"It's pretty nice."

Yang: "Heh if you think the outside look good. Wait till you get to see the inside!" *Suddenly a bit of turbulence hit the bullhead causing her to fall out her seat* "Woah!!" 

You quickly get out of her seat and catch her before she falls over. 

" Woah careful you don't want to hurt yourself."

 You help her up and you quickly notice Yang is blushing a bit.

"You okay Yang?"

Yang: "I'm alright and thanks."


Soon the Bullhead lands in front of Beacon ad we soon walk inside the school. We take the elevator all the way up to meet the great wizard of Oz. We make it the office  and I see a man with glasses and gray hair behind a desk and a blonde lady with glasses looking over at us.

Ozpin: "Ah Team RWBY," *Looks over at you* "Is this the boy?"

Ruby: "That's right professor."

The blonde lady walk over around you and gives skeptical look. 

Blonde lady: *irritated* "If I recall the target happened to be faunus not human."

 "Faunus parts? You mean," *flames surround body and turn faunus form* " these faunus parts?"

Both eyes widen with astonished and shock as they look at you as you change back to human. You smirk as you walked over to Ozpin.

"So you wanted to talk about to me, Y/n Ignacio. So what is it you wanted to speak to me about?"

Ozpin: *straighten himself* "Well as you know I am Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy. and I have a proposition for you."

"I accept."

Ozpin: *eyes widen* "Excuse me?"

"It's obvious that you want me to join Beacon Academy and you wanted me to take your initiation."

Everyone around you look at you with eyes widen.

"Am I wrong?"

Ozpin: "Well you are not wrong. but if you knew then why-?" 

"Apparently you did pay attention to recording. *holds hand out* May I?"

Ozpin hands his scroll which had the footage Y/n show footage of aftermath White fang battle. Show Glynda and Ozpin strange scorch marks that look like nothing..

You crop out scorch marks and merge them together it make up words. "I know Ozpin." They're eyes widen in realization and shock.

"So...when does the initiation start?"

Ozpin: "*smiles* "Impressive Mr. Ignacio, well since you are already prepared. We shall begin in 10 minutes at the training hall."

"Very well," *looks over at Team RWBY* "Can you all guide me over the training hall?"

Weiss: "Of course, come on Y/n." The five teenager head to elevator and took it to the training hall.*

(Timeskip at the Training Hall)

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