Chapter 10: Spending with Siblings

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Y/n P.o.V:

You woke up from your slumber as the sunlight shined down your face. You look around and you saw your little brother in his bed wrapped in his blanket. You decided to get changed for today. Yesterday and let your little brother sleep a bit more. Today was the weekend so you decided to spend time together just you, Whitley and Weiss.

Soon after you change out of to your normal attire, the sound of a whistle heard from inside dorm. Causing you to fall to the ground catching you off guard.

Whitley: *screams*" AHHHHH!!"  

Whitley falls out of the bed from the sound of the whistle.


You clean your ears with irritated tone "Ugh if I have to guess Ruby..." *You get up and give him a hand up and your pull up to stand.* "Well since you are awake you might as well get change as I help you unpack."

Whitley: *Happy tone* "Right okay big brother."

You smile soon after he gets changed you help him unpack for today. You check the time and that it's 7:30 in the morning

"Heh still early let's go grab some breakfast."

Whitley: *smiles* "Okay big brother."

You both leave the dorm and you lock the dorm. You two soon head the cafeteria. Soon you and your little brother grab your breakfast you hand settled for some Cinnamon apple Pancakes, hash brown and cup of O.J. While Whitley settled for Chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries on top and a cup of espresso.

While you were eating you could hear other student gossiping behind you.

Student 1:*whispers* "Dude their he is, the dude that punched Jacques Schnee and got him arrested."

Student 2: *whispers*"Y/n Ignacio damn he must got guts to take down Jacques."

Student 3: *mumbles* "Or a asking for a death wish.."

As you keep ignoring there comments soon Team RWBY, and team JNPR join you 2 for breakfast.

Weiss: "Hello brothers how is your morning?"

Whitley: "Well I was having a good sleep until something really loud blasted into our rooms. Causing to fall of my bed..but other then that I'm okay."

Weiss glares at Ruby who starts whistles innocently. You just look at Ruby with a "really " look.

" any ideas for today sis..."

Weiss: "Hm not really well I was thinking we do some shopping for Whitley's training gear. Oh and get him some combat gear. "

Whitley: "Heh that sounds great."

"Hm sounds good to me."

Yang: *sarcastic tone* "Yeah that's great.."

The three of you: "Excuse me.."

Yang: "Come on you guys finally are reunited you guys should you have a better reunion hang out then that come on you start it with a Yang. " *baddam tsss*

Everyone on table groaned except you and Whitley. You take a deep breath and claps your hand together.

" got're definition of drastically different than Weiss's definition of fun."

Whitley: "Yes...however you wouldn't know what this because you've been doing your definition of Fun...for"

You and Whitley as you put on shades: "Xiao Long." *Badam tsss*

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