Chapter 36: Unexpected Ambush

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The next day as the Vytal Tornament reopening for the 1v1 rounds. Team (F/I).W.A.R was summoned to Ozpin's office. As they walked their team ran into Cinder.

Cinder: "Oh hello Y/n."

Y/n: "Hey Firestar!"

Cinder and Y/n share a quick hug, while Whitely, Anubis and Rook just smiles at the woman. Y/n noticed that Cinder was wearing the pendant that was given to her by Y/n.

Y/n: "You're wearing it."

Cinder: "I loved it, I would never take it off. And I love you."

Y/n: "Hey, thanks Cinder, I love you too."

Cinder hugs Y/n's arm, Whitley then walks up to Cinder with a smile.

Whitley: "Hello Ms. Fall, It's nice to meet you! I'm Whitley Schnee Y/n's little brother.

Cinder looks at Whitley and smiles

Cinder: "It's nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you and your sisters." *looks over to Anubis and Rook* "And these must be Anubis Vulcan and Rook Olive* 

Anubis: *nods* "A pleasure to meet you."

Rook: *nods and then looks at Y/n* "Comrade has lots of Girlfriends."

Y/n: *sighs* "Yeah I am lucky to have so many people who care about little old me."

Cinder then begin to walk ahead.

Cinder: "Come on you four, let's go to Ozpin's office. He told me to bring you to discuss... rather important business


Team (F/I).WAR, Cinder, Vulcan, Ironwood, Glynda, Qrow and Ozpin  were sitting silently in Ozpin's office. At least it was silent until Ozpin spoke up.

Ozpin: "Now, you may be wondering why I called you here."

Y/n: "If I were to guess, it's either Salem...or White Fang."

Ironwood: "Yes, currently we've sent a team over to mount Glenn and dealt with the last of the White Fang stationed there."

Anubis: "There were more White Fang's stationed in that area?"

Ozpin: "Yes,but we had managed to keep them behind bars for now. However, the same cannot be said about the next problem."

Ozpin looks at Qrow, Qrow nods and pulls out his scroll and shows everyone a hologram of a map of remnant.

Qrow: "Grimm population has been starting to rise, and specifically the population around the area. So we don't know how long Jimmy's forces will last."

Y/n grits his teeth and began to put his hands on his head.

Anubis: *sighs*'s never a boring day huh."

Vulcan: "Yeah. But that's why we need the strongest defenses for this kingdom."

Whitley: "What are you talking about?"

Cinder: "Lady Salem has plans to let loose all those Grimm into the populated by causing a massive panic."

Rook: "So what shall we do?"

Ozpin: "After the tournament we'll send you to those locations but before that, Cinder here will bring you to Salem's lair."

Y/n and his teammates grew determined looks.

Y/n: "Alright sir."

Ozpin: "Good, now you may go watch the rest of the battles."

The four students nodded and began to head out. As they left Vulcan got up and turned to Ozpin and Ironwood.

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