Chapter 38: Altair's Last Stand

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As the people of Vale look on in amazement as a mighty orange, Black and Blue dragon lets out a terrifying roar. The very grimms all begin to growl anxious to fight this new enemy. Ironwood, who was stationed along the perimeters of Beacon alongside Winter, Qrow, Vulcan was watching the scene unfold. Winter felt the blazing coming off the dragon getting a familiar feeling thru it.

Ironwood: " that a-"

Vulcan: "No Alpha..Altair..."

Qrow: "But I thought all Altair went extinct...?"

Winter was looking at the draconic beast having the strangest feeling thinking to herself, like other 2 siblings in the Vale.

(Play Music)

Winter/ Weiss/ Whitley: "Y/n...."

Y/n ends his roar and looks down at Vale watching the hoards Grimm that surround him from all direction and below. The Grimm snarling down the new enemy waiting to see his move. Y/n lets out a low snarl as he gets his eye on the Grimm Wyvern. The Wyvern lets out a mighty roar which all the other airborne grimm shrieked and launched forward at him.

Y/n snarls extending his claws out as his entire body ignites into both blue and orange flame. He charges forward in incredible speeds which not only reduced all the grimms in his path to ashes but all grimm that where an the ground were blasted away by the sheer force of afterdraft.


Roy: "Such power.."

The Numerous Nevermores screeches at him as Y/n releases his fire cloak and extends his wing towards them. They let loose a barrage of feathers at him. Y/n responds by extending his claws . His right claw  is surrounded my a vortex of condensed wind while his left claws surrounded by a aura like emerald Scales. He quickly slash and maneuver every single feather. He soon closes in a blinding speeds raises his claws and slashing ever single Nevermore. Massive slash mark appear on their body which they soon explode.

Yang: *lands towards the others* "Woah...such power!"

Anubis: *slowly getting up* "Damn...if that is the power a true altair...than we are lucky Y/n is on our side.." 

Y/n turns his head at the Wyvern tackles him, Y/n holds its jaws of the grimm, which tries do bite down on him. Y/n lets out a enormous roar as he swings his massive tail launching it to Emerald Forest. He opens his mouth as both fires from the side of his mouth burn more brighter. A swirling fireball of both orange and blue fire is seen from the jaws of his mouth which he soon fires as a lethal stream of flames straight towards the grimm.

 A swirling fireball of both orange and blue fire is seen from the jaws of his mouth which he soon fires as a lethal stream of flames straight towards the grimm

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Every person nearby braces themselves as the sheer force of Y/n's assault which erupts the forest in blue and orange flames. Y/n watches the massive Wyvern Faunus begins to reduce to ash. 

Lance: *who was struggling to stand watching* " really surpassed all..."

Meanwhile for the others, Yang, Ruby, and Rook are helping up their fellow team members. But unbeknownst to them Adam was slowly walking out of the shadows with Brush and Wilt sheathed in his sword. 

Adam: "I...will KILL YOU!" *The others turn as he activates his semblance unleashing a devastating slash wave straight towards them. There eyes widen in terror until Y/n lands in front of them and  raises his claws and catches the attack with his bare claws.

(Similar to this 0:56-1:00)

Ruby, Blake and Yang: "I-it's protecting us..."

They watch Y/n slowly getting pushed back from Adam's attack but still standing his ground.  Whitley's and Weiss' eyes widen as the more they look closely they see him. The shadow of Y/n's human form in front of him.

Whitley: "Brother...." *Gets up* "YOU CAN DO IT Y/N!" 

The others except for Weiss turn to look at  Whitley shocked. 


Y/n felt it the very bonds of his little brother and twin sister granting him more strength and power. Y/n lets out a mighty roar and rips Adam's Moonslice attack into two launching them in two different direction. 

Adam: "W-what?!" Y/n roars and charges straight toward Adam and to repeated slash down Adam with no mercy or relent. Which the Altair faunus soon launches the Mad bull to the side. "Why...Why do you fight for these scum! People will always hate those who are better than they are. Your Friends and Family aren't any different. Over time, ever person whom you trusted will come to fear your power, and they will begin to distance themselves from you."

Y/n: *opens his mouth and speaks* "Are you sure about that? *Adam screams in anger and tries to slashing the Dragon only for him to block every single attack* "You spoke of this being good for all faunus kind...and I seen your don't just kill killed Faunus, and innocent children..." *Y/n slams his claw into Adam's mask launching him away shattering his mask showing his scar* "You wanted revenge? You're just making other people as miserable as you." *Y/n appears in front of Adam channeling all his fire power into his fist* "Revenge is just the path you took to escape you own damn suffering*  He then slams his fist straight into Adam's gut causing a massive explosion which launches him far away from the area.*

(End Music)

Y/n pants heavily seeing Adam's aura drained to zero

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Y/n pants heavily seeing Adam's aura drained to zero. Y/n could feel his attack have taken a toll on his own body. 

Whitley/Weiss: "Big brother/ Y/n?"

He looks over to see the others looking at him worried, but more specifically his siblings. He sighs as he gives them a reassuring smile, They smile at they run over to their older brother hugging him tightly which he returns the hug back.

Suddenly as the group thinks the battle is all over an explosion could be heard at Beacon Academy. They look up to see a bullhead had crashed itself Beacon. 

Ruby: "What?!" 

Blake: "What happened?" 

Y/n instantly take into action letting go of his siblings and flies off to Beacon.

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