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6 months later

Camilla POV

Troy had left for the military, and it was okay.

Her brother was gone with promises of returning home, she hoped that he kept them. Damian had picked her up after they had said goodbye and the two of them had spent hours in the park just watching the sun go down and Titus run around playing.

Mr. Wayne's marriage was only a week away and both her and Milla would be bridesmaids to Selina who was making preparations left and right. Damian had grown closer with her over the past few months ever since she had barged into his bedroom and demanded that he follow her. She had set up two canvases out on the grounds of Wayne manor and the two of them had gone at least once a week since to paint and sometimes talk. She doubted that Damian saw her as anything close to a mother, but maybe someday they would get there, and to Selina being friends seemed to be enough.

Damian still had therapy three times a week (which he had outright refused at first), and sometimes he still wanted to be alone but that was okay. He was laughing and smiling more every day, the weight lifted off his shoulders the tiniest bit. They were in their last year of high school now and pretty soon Damian would be starting collage and getting his business degree, she wasn't really sure what she would do yet but Milla was hinting more and more at the restaurant they had talked about a year ago while lying on the floor of the Wayne's house in San Francisco.

It didn't sound too bad and she thought that she had nothing to lose by trying.

Her parents seemed convinced that if they ignored the fact that her boyfriend was a superhero it would go away. He came over for family dinners often enough and school was starting to go back to normal. Sometimes people would still toss comments at him while walking down the hallways but that usually got dealt with very quickly by one of them.

He wasn't going to San Francisco as much anymore seeing as it had taken him awhile to ease back into being Robin, but every chance he did get David would be in the car next to him, or occasionally zeta tube.

He had finally grown the balls to ask Raven out and unsurprisingly she had said yes.

Milla was practically living with Jason now and Cami knew that the second she was done with school she would probably move into his apartment, though not because she wanted to get out of the house. Her parent's relationship was staring to mend itself back together, and her friend no longer wished that they would split.
Tim had started to work at the police station and was getting an online degree in computer science while doing so. Carston was helping to ease his addiction by slowly making him drink less coffee and sleep more with the help of Alfred. The two were an unstoppable team.

Damian was staring up at the sky with a look she couldn't quite identify. They were both lying on their backs on a blanket in a park, trying to make out the shapes in the clouds, though he had grown quiet over the last few minutes.

He seemed to notice her gaze on him and turned his head to look at her, eyes gleaming with something unfamiliar, hair falling across his forehead.

"What?" She asked him, lips pulling up slightly, though she herslf wasn't sure what she found amusing.

He studied her for a moment before his expression lit up, mouth turning up into the most dazzling smile she'd ever seen, it took her breath away.

"I'm happy." He admitted, and she thought that she understood what love was.

Hey guys!

We have finally made it to the end of this story. Thank you all for sticking with me up until now and thank you to those who voted and commented and encouraged me to keep writing.

I want to give one or two shout outs to people who really motivated me throughout this story.





Unfortunately I can't name everyone but a special thanks to all of you.

I hope you enjoyed reading this fic and check out my other stories that will be coming soon.

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