Chapter 5

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Damian POV

Damian hated school.

More specifically this school. He couldn't wait until the month was over and he got to transfer out of uniformed hell. He wasn't yet sure if it would be to Camilla's school  or the Private school down in Westover.

He didn't really care.

He just wanted to get out of this uncultured place, he was surrounded by Gotham's biggest billionaire brats.
Damian made his way over to his English class and sat at his usual table in the back away from everyone else, alone.

Well at least that was the case until some girl took the seat next to him and he internally rolled his eyes. She, like a lot of the other girls, wore her skirt ridiculously short giving everyone quite a view of her long legs, her shirt was tight and showed off her breast that she pushed out even more whenever she noticed a guy looking at her. Her makeup was overdone and her hair was unnaturally straight and brown with fake highlights.

She twirled it between her fingers and glanced at him. Then she turned to him and leaned forward.

"Hey there, Damian. Mind if I sit next to you?" she asked as she bat her fake lashes. Damian didn't even look at her. He just kept his head straight and started copying the homework on the board.

"If you must." he answered and she laughed, although he'd said nothing funny.

Her voice was sugar sweet and her laugh annoying, he much preferred the sound of his pen scraping against the paper.

"I'm having a party next weekend I'd love for you to come. You know I'd have it this weekend but I just have so much stuff to do. You understand don't you?" she asked Leaning even closer to him trying to grab his attention.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" he asked slightly irritated, already knowing that there was no way he'd attend the party.

She looked taken aback. She was probably the type of girl everyone knew but he really didn't care about the so called popular kids and didn't keep tabs on who screwed with who.

"Anastasia. I'm sure you've seen me around? Now how about that party? I'd love to have you there." she quickly regained her composure and Damian heard the double meaning in her words.

"I'll think about it." he answered, showing remarkable restraint and prayed that she'd leave him alone. He was out of luck. Anastasia had talked to him throughout the entire English period and he felt the strong need to tell her to shut the hell up.

He didn't really listen to a word she said but every now and then he'd catch a word and hear something about it being a struggle to find a perfect bra because her boobs were so big.

It disgusted him. Seriously.

He felt eternally grateful when the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. He didn't even bother to wait for her sentence to end, he grabbed his books and was out the door before his headache could grow more intense.

He never bothered to hang around in the parking lot like all the other kids did. They spent forever gossiping and loitering around the cars.

He went over to his lamborghini, tossed his bag in the back and drove off before any other people could get the positively insane idea to approach him.

Most people had quickly understood that he was to be left alone within the first week of school, no one dared to mess with him the majority of the time.

When he got home no one was there except for Alfred. Big suprise. Jason was at the FBI training grounds in Gotham, Dick was in Blűdhaven and Tim was out patrolling the city. Bruce as per usual was at his day job at Wayne Enterprises.

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