Chapter 4

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Camilla POV

She woke up in her bed, legs tangled in the sheets with her blonde curls in her face and an oversized hoodie wrapped around her body. It had faint ambrosial smell that she breathed in. It took a moment before the previous night's events came rushing back and she almost wanted to bury her face in a pillow pillow and die when she recalled the incident with Kyle and Stacy.

She reached for her phone on her bedside table only to realize it was not there. Camilla jumped up and searched frantically for the device between her covers to avail. She stood placing a hand on her head, thinking. Then it hit her. Her phone was in Damian's car. She'd left it under the seat before he took her to the park.

"Shit." she muttered. It wasn't exactly like she could call him and ask for it back. She couldn't go to his house either because she didn't know where he lived.

Did she call him a kidnapper?

There was a knock at her door and Troy popped his head in. "Hey, mom says breakfast is ready." he glanced at her appearance and gave her a knowing look. "So does this mean you've got a new boyfriend?" he gestured to the hoodie she was wearing.

"No. It was cold out. We're just friends. Barely even." she glared at her brother but the look didn't go away. "Surrre. Just come down stairs." she threw him with a pillow as he retreated making kissing sounds.

He disappeared down the hall and she tied her hair up in a bun realizing she was still in her clothes from last night. She made her way downstairs and found her dad reading a newspaper and her mom placing an omelet in her plate. Her little brother was playing with a batman action figure and Troy was inhaling his food, barely chewing.

She sat across from Michael. "You do know Batman can't fly, right?" she asked. He glared at her and made swooshing noises as he continued to maneuver it through the air.

"Oh let him have his fun." her mother  took the seat next to her, jeans rolled up to her ankles and hands still covered in flour.
"How was the party?" her father asked from behind his newspaper.

"Oh it was great. Damian met David and Carston. Of course David tried to interrogate him most of the time but Carston really seemed to like him."

Her mom smiled. "That's good honey. Don't worry David will come around. You know how he gets with new people." she answered and Camilla frowned.

Her friends had been a part of her life for so long her mother knew them almost as well as she did.

"Yea but I get the feeling Damian isn't exactly the oversharing type. He's pretty private."  Michael's action figure knocked over the salt which earned him a glare from their dad.

"Well maybe talk to David and just tell him to lay of a bit? Just while Damian is still getting to know all of you." he offered.

She sighed. "Yea I will. I wish I could text him but I left my phone in Damian's car."

Her mom frowned. "Why don't you just ask Milla to call him?"

"Because I'm the only one who has his number." she groaned as she took another bite out of her breakfast, butter melting on her tongue.

"Well now at least you can finish your homework without distractions."

Always a positive in everything.

Camilla sighed. She wondered when she'd see Damian again.


Damian POV

Damian was surprised that he hadn't heard from Camilla the entire day, but decided that he had worse things to worry about as he dodged left and the  bullets flew past him.

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