Chapter 20

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Damian POV

She was wearing shorts that were barely visible from under the oversized white hoodie that had a black soccer ball embroidered on it. Her golden curls fell down her back in waves and she was standing on her toes as she leaned over the fence that separated them from the soccer field cheering at the top of her lungs. Her blue eyes shone in delight as she turned to him and smiled widely flashing her perfectly white teeth. The sleeves of the hoodie was pulled up to her elbows but if she moved enough they'd slip back down only for her to roll them up again.

Her black worn out sneakers collided with her expensive clothes that he had gotten her but she didn't seem to mind. He pressed his sunglasses up his nose as he slung an arm around her shoulders lazily. She seemed to curl into him more and he hid the smirk that was threatening to curl onto his lips.

Milla was next to Cami being as extravagant as always and cheering ten times louder with Carston by her side as the two held up a huge sign that read 'GO DAVID!!!!'

Damian himself was wearing regular jeans and sneakers with a white hoodie that matched Cami's. They had seen it in the store during the week and decided it was the perfect thing to wear during the match. He only later found it was not something people normally did with their female friends but more a couple things to 'match' as Camilla had so blandly put it. Tim had stared at him for a long while before he left the manor with Camilla before the game mumbling something under his breath about how he was seeing things.

He hadn't seen his father since he had to lie to him about why his trackers were off and apologize for making him worry (Since that was the condition Selina gave him for her silence) which of course earned him an empty stare as if him apologizing was unheard of. Luckily Bruce had said yes to the party as long as Damian didn't buy any alcohol. He however didn't say that Jason or the rest of Gotham Prep people that he invited for their skill of filling up bars and providing drinks couldn't buy alcohol.

He had made sure to hold the party in the back yard of the mansion as to make sure no babies we made in one of the guest rooms or his own. The doors to the inside would be locked but luckily the outside pool area had bathrooms as well as underwater lights that could switch to what you desired.

There was also a pool table and two hot tubs next to the outside pool and his brothers had helped him set up tables for beer pong.

Jason had graciously provided them with a bar that had been built and set up the second Bruce left the house.

Would he be in trouble the next day? Definitely.

It was the last half of the match and so far they were in the lead by one goal. David was a good team captain even if it was his first time. He knew the players and knew the field and had made quick work analyzing the other team. Their feet moved fast and twisted and sent the ball this way and that.

By the time the match had ended he was grinning and being hauled up by his team mates screaming that the party was at Wayne manor. Of course the entire school had already been invited along with at least half of Gotham Prep so there would be roughly a shit load kids at the house.

David had drove with his teammates but Damain and his other three friends took his car. The buzz never faded, even when everyone had arrived, pouring in through the gates in waves of happy faces and the party had started.

Tim had gotten a DJ which played decent music, the bars were fully stocked with alcohol and there were several coolers on the lawn. Some people were in party clothes others in bathing suits and some had cosplay outfits which he didn't even try to wrap his head around.

Night had fallen and the pools light flashed a deep red while the lights from the DJ's speakers had about every other color splashing onto the dancers.

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