Chapter 12

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Damian POV

"No." the words were out of his mouth before he could even really give the offer a second thought.

Damian liked to think he was good at making choices. He usually took his time deciding but right now he didn't need time. He knew the answer before they asked the question, maybe it was inconsiderate of him to just shoot them down, but he wasn't about to pick up the life he'd started to build for himself and leave for San Francisco to be a part of the Titans again.

His arms were folded across his chest, his stance was firm. He was in his black uniform without a mask. His swords strapped to his back, knifes strapped to his thighs and gadgets around his chest. He was supposed to be Robin right now.

Perhaps Robin would have said yes to the offer, looked at it the practical way, maybe Robin would even have enjoyed the time away from his family, where he could train as much as he liked, sleep as little as he pleased and no one could say a thing about it. But Damain? Damain had a life in Gotham city. Damain had friends. Friends he planned on keeping along with brothers who still had the occasional nightmares and got into trouble a lot, brothers who needed him.

Starfire frowned. "You didn't even think about it."

He sighed, sparing a glance to the rest of the team who all looked at him with suprise, except for Raven who just looked slightly disappointed.

"I needn't waste my time. My answer is final. No."

Damain's gaze remained unreadable displaying no emotion what so ever.

"Why? We worked well when it was the five of us? What's your problem Damian?" Jamie asked stepping forward.

"I do not have a problem. I have a life. One I'm not willing to leave for another year with the inexperienced teenagers." he growled.

Before Jamie could retort Starfire butt in. "No one said you had to move here Damian. We can set up a zeta tube from the batcave, you could come after school and on weekends-"


Why was Damian being this stubborn? Well if he was with the team the entire time when would he have time to patrol Gotham, or what would his excuse be every weekend when one of his friends invited him somewhere?

It felt strange having friends. There was something else holding him back now other than his family. It was a new card on the table.

Starfire sighed and placed a hand on Jamie's shoulder before he could start a fight.

"How about missions with us and training with the team three times a week? You belong on this team Damian. I really do believe that."

This time he didn't say no. He was quiet for a long time considering the words spoken by the leader of the Titans.

"I will take it into consideration. You'll have your answer by Friday."

With that he turned on his heal, slipped his mask back on and walked right out of Titan tower via zeta tube.


Jason POV

Normally Jason wouldn't even be here. He'd be at the manor eating dinner that Alfred made or more likely be out as Gotham's favorite anti-hero, or maybe he'd even be with the drug dealers who worked for him.

Why was he still a drug lorde? Well easy. The only way to stop drugs from getting into schools, or the really bad stuff to get onto the streets was to control where they were going. He wasn't stupid. He knew he'd never be able to get rid of drugs entirely in Gotham, so he settled for controlling it.

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