Chapter 32

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Damian POV


They didn't complain but the reluctance to continue was clear as day in their tight expressions.

He had to begrudgingly admit that they definitely weren't the worst team to work with. They were not lazy and they never complained or questioned it when he would start with the next task.

It was the day after he'd been introduced to them and they'd been training for nine hours on end. One  water break and barely any breathers.

His muscles ached and his voice was raw but he was testing them, trying to see the depths of their loyalty and determination. How intense their first was.

He refused to stop until they moved in sink with one another, until they knew where all of them were at all times, until they trusted each other.

They had been running through drill after drill after drill. Each time someone messed up they would start again and again and again. He could see the irritation clear in their eyes but they seemed to understand him, to know what he was doing and why. So they continued.

Eventually his own frustration grew when they failed to trust each other for the millionth time. They each believed in their own skills and wanted to accomplish everything by themselves. They hesitated each time they were supposed to hand over the token they'd been instructed to get to the opposite side of the course or better yet they decided to try and do it by themselves which resulted in pure disaster.

"Enough!" he yelled out. They all came to a sudden halt, stopping in their tracks and breathing heavily before finally turning to him, sweat glistening on their skin in the barely lit room.

"When you are in the middle of a war with your enemies surrounding you, you will not be able to risk only trusting your own capabilities. You need to know the people around you's limits and strengths and they must know yours. The seven of us are bound now whether you like it or not so take a good look around because this is what you're stuck with. Make your team mates an extension of your own mind and body, trust them to do what you cannot do alone. During battle you will not have the time to worry about whether the person guarding your back will turn around and stab you. Trust each other. "

No one had questioned his leadership since he put four of them on their asses, not even Matthew. They all seemed to except it and fall reluctantly into place when he gave orders.

No one said a word now. He closed his eyes and breathed as he swiped a hand through his hair.

"You are dismissed. I want you all back here before seven."

They didn't utter a single word as they stalked passed him to the door. They had three hours to shower, eat and rest before he'd drill them again and again and again.

He slipped off his jacket and rolled his neck before turning to follow out the door after they'd all gone. He wanted to get some rest before he had to come back but of course his mother was a bitch and was standing in the doorway.

It felt odd to have her this close. They hadn't had that in years and he tried not to dwell on the fact that he probably wouldn't have that with his other parent ever again.

"Look at you. Natural leader."

He rolled his eyes. "Incase you did not notice mother we've been at it for nine hours with barely any progress."

Her smile grew as her heels clacked loudly onto the sement floor while she approached him. "Well I do suggest you get them to fall in line soon son, because the seven of you will leave for your first mission tomorrow at sunset."

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