Chapter 21

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Milla POV

Her friend was grounded by his extremely scary dad. Camilla was hurt because the guy she had a major crush on made out with someone else. Her parents alternated between screaming at each other and just completely ignoring each other which made the house really quiet and she no longer knew which she preferred. She couldn't or more wouldn't go back to Jason's place after he said he'd never wanted her there to begin with.

So to say the least her life kind of sucked right now.

Milla heaved an angry sigh as she let the ball roll in front of her before stepping and sliding her hands up the hockey stick and hitting it so hard it lifted off the ground making a loud reverberating sound as it hit the metal in the goal box. Camilla was eyeing her warily but said nothing. She had problems of her own and knew better than to ask when Milla was in this particular mood.

The weekend had passed in a flash. No one had heard a word from Damian, and David has been glued to his phone texting some girl. Carston seemed fixated with getting good grades and of course on getting into football. It was early Monday morning and the two girls had decided to get to school before anyone else so they could let some emotions out on the hockey field.

Time had been ticking by as they barely said a word to one another. The grass was slightly damp which made her trainer's wet, some of the balls had been flung out to the tennis courts when they weren't really looking at whether they were actually aiming for the goal box. It was cold but she didn't mind.

"Let's get changed." Camilla said as she started collecting the balls around the field and tossing them into a box, Milla helped and the two put away the equipment before going to the gym to get changed and hurry to the front of the school parking lot.

David was smiling down at his phone as he always did in these days and Carston was trying to peek over his shoulder, a dark red jacket was over his clothes, white at the sleeves with the GE on his chest and his name on the back.

Carston Summers
First team Football

She smiled at him then spotted Damain leaning against the black lamborghini, black thick Adidas, black jeans and a black T-shirt with the small Nike logo over his heart.

Always fucking black.

Like Carston Damain too wore a deep red jacket identical to the one his friends was wearing except she couldn't see what stood at the back. She smiled at them as the two girls approached with Camilla still not looking at Damain.

"I have to wear this every day?" Damain asked as he allowed his thumb and forefinger to line the jacket material. Carston grinned at him.

"Jip." he popped the P then seemed to notice the two girls.

"How's your grounding going?" Milla teased as she stood beside Damian and leaned against his car. His face turned sour and when he turned to her fully she finally noticed the slightly split lip and the bruised jaw. She glanced down at his hands which looked like he had just gotten out of a bloody fist fight with a garbage disposal. They were bruised and battered and pink.

"Horrid." he spit the words as if they had left a bitter taste in his mouth.

She glanced over at Camilla who seemed to have noticed the same thing and suddenly it felt as if she had swallowed winter. A cold feeling swept over her but she tried to ignore it.

Was Damian being abused?

The bell sounded over head and he rolled his eyes dramatically swinging his bag over his shoulder and grabbing David by the arm after saying a quick bye the two disappeared in the direction of their English class.

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