Chapter 6

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Damian POV

Jason had taken every opportunity available to complain about how unfair it was that he was the one with the broken arm. Damian wanted to punch him.

"Would you stop complaining. And just accept that your a halfwit." Damian said from his side of the coach.

Jason glared at him. "I actually still have to go to work. It's so unfair." he groaned and threw his head back.

Normally Tim would be the one to be giving Jason shit about everything but he'd been silent most of the Friday so far. It was night now and Damian almost had to leave to go to David's place for the movie night.

He was curious as to how the night would go, he'd only hung out with the whole group once, but the conversation had proven to be worth his time which was saying something. They were all pretty smart. Cwrston wanted to be a doctor and at first Damian thought he didn't stand a chance until he pulled up his records and saw he really had the grades for it.

He saw Dick standing over by the door. When he caught his eye, the older boy discreetly signaled for him to come over.

Damian blissfully stood and strides towards his older brother and Dick pulled him out of ear shot of the other two boys.

"Listen, There's something wrong with Tim. I think he's upset about that ex girlfriend of his again, but it's different this time and I can't figure it out. Can I ask you a favor?" Dick asked, a pleading look in his eyes, one he had perfected throughout the years of living with three stubborn and cold brothers.

"Depending on the favor." he answered.

He rolled his eyes. "Just take him with you to your movie thing please. He needs to get out and be around people."

He gave the older boy a unimpressed look and Dick sighed. "Please. I'd take him with me to Cory but he'd just feel like a third wheel." he begged.

Damian stared at Grayson. Then sighed. "Fine." he growled.

He walked back into the living room to find that Jason was gone, probably left for training, and Tim was still sitting on the couch staring at the flames in the fireplace. It was strangely depressing.

" Get up and be ready in five minutes or I'm leaving you here." Tim didn't even have time to react as Damian left the room once more to go get dressed.

He threw on a pair of dark jeans and midnight blue trainers along with a black K-way jacket then glanced at himself in the mirror.

The dog tag around his neck was showing so he quickly tucked it beneath his clothing and grabbed his keys before leaving for the garage.

Tim was already there. Damian made his way over to his car only to be stopped by the black haired caffeine addict.

"No, no. We didn't buy you this thing so it could rot in the garage." Tim said and tossed Damian the keys to his motorcycle.

Damian rolled his eyes. "Fine, give me a minute." he tossed his car keys onto the cabinet near the garage door and got on his bike. He texted Cami a quick message to tell her he was bringing Tim then put his helmet on.

"You know where this place is?" Tim asked over the sound of the revving engines.

Damian linked his phones GPS to his com and nodded to Tim.

The two were out of Wayne manor and in the streets seconds later, wind ripping at them and biting into their skin.


Camilla POV

" He has this white stripe in his hair and it just matches everything so well. He is so funny you'll love him. " Milla had been talking about Jason since the second they got to David's house. Which was twenty minutes ago.

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