Chapter 23

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Camilla POV

The months dragged on and exam finals came and went. It was nearing summer break and Damain seemed to disappear more and more, he spent a lot of his time in San Francisco now and when he wasn't there he normally had 'family matters'. Though she wasn't sure what that meant.

Her parents had been thrilled to hear they were dating, though her dad and brother's said that they'd kill him if he hurt her and if he was in any way threatened, he didn't show it.

Milla was spending most of her time with Jason now, though they still had the occasional girls night. Carston seemed to mysteriously disappear from time to time to hang out with someone, though he wouldn't spill the beans on who. Yet anyway.

David was the only lively person in the group, he tagged along on Damian's trips to San Francisco when he was allowed to and though Damian had been disapproving of Rachel and David's growing friendship or more than friendship he reluctantly accepted it after a while and let David know when he could tag along which wasn't so often since Damian's trips were normally out of the blue or last minute. Sometimes she would only find out he went after she'd ask him to come over and he'd reluctantly tell her where he was.

But because he wasn't really allowed to miss school he hardly ever got any sleep though he'd rarely display signs of fatigue. She'd realized that whenever he hadn't slept for three nights in a row he'd talk less, wouldn't participate in conversations and would only hold her hand instead of curling his arms around her waist or kissing her.

He'd show up with bruises from time to time, she didn't realize how often it really was until he had stretched his arms once which caused his shirt to lift revealing black and blue on his stomach. He'd made up some lame excuse about falling and every other time he'd say something about getting into his fights with his brothers.

But Milla had asked Jason once about what happened and his story had been entirely different from the one his brother told. She'd made a point to try and secretly check him for new scars or bruises at least once a week since then. She didn't always confront him but when she did he always lied. She knew because she'd never even saw Damian, who moved like a cat, falter on a step in his life, never mind fall down a flight of stairs.

She had been to the manor once or twice since they started dating. Always looking for signs of abuse but never really found any. Milla said that Jason would often come back to his apartment with a shiner or something like that and since Carston and Tim were friends now he had noticed it too.

It was Sunday afternoon and Damian was late. Again. They were having a family barbecue in the yard. Most of her family has already met Damian, the exception being her grandparents.

She'd met everyone there was to meet in Damian's as well exept his mother, he didn't have any extended family.

They were all sitting around on camp chairs, her grandparents telling stories to her brother and cousins as her uncle and dad stood by the fire. Her aunt and mom were inside making a potato salad to go with the dinner.

And Damain was late.

She huffed a hair out of her eyes and her uncle noticed.

"Camilla, where's that boyfriend of yours?" he smiled widely at her. "Damian right? Still can't believe you're dating the son of the richest man in Gotham. Wouldn't have guessed it when we met him." he laughed lightheartedly and her father smiled. Her grandparents looked slightly uncomfortable. They knew who Damain was and would give him a fair chance, maybe, but they had grown up in rough circumstances and had to work hard for what they had. They thought that rich people's children grew up with everything they could ever want at their feet. They thought he would be a snob.

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