Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to Lavandaagustifolia
Thank you for your support ❤️
An early update 😙

Camilla POV

She spent almost two hours doing nails hair and makeup, not to mention the extra time they took to make sure her dress was perfect and she walked right. She hadn't seen Damian since the ballroom a while ago but her nerves were practically climbing up her stomach as the gala had already started and the four friends were about to be showed in but had to wait for the Wayne's in a room on the second floor.

When she had looked in the mirror earlier she hadn't even recognized herself. She looked more like a model and less like an average teenage girl. She just hoped that Daman liked it.

Just then Selina Kyle walked in followed by four people who Camilla did not know. She recognized the girl with the purple hair as Rachel, the girl who had been there the night she found out who Damian really was.

They all looked gorgeous, especially Selina with an elegant black dress that dipped slightly at her breast.

The only other girl between the five people had bright pink hair and gorgeous long legs. She smiled at each of them and introduced herself as Cory, Dick's girlfriend.

The Rachel girl barely acknowledged them but the two boys eagerly introduced themselves as Garfield and Jaime though it seemed like they had all met David.

The two boys only stayed for a few minutes and then quickly disappeared to join the gala downstairs. Selina explained that each of them would be walking down with someone in the room. Sure enough she had noticed how David had been staring at Rachel and paired them up together much to the girls disdain. She asked Milla which one of the brothers she would like to walk down with, Tim or Jason and she pretended to think on it before choosing Jason.

Just then Tim and Dick walked in while they whispered argued, but Tim immediately stopped talking the second his eyes landed on Carston. Dick walked over to his girlfriend and kissed her but decided to ignore his brother.

Bruce and Jason were behind them and Jason didn't even need to ask who he was with as he immediately walked over to Milla and flirtatiously winked at her before throwing an arm around her shoulders and couldn't seem to take his eyes off her deep red dress.

Damian was the last to join them. He was clad in an all black suit with an emerald green tie that matched both her dress and his eyes. The suit made him look particularly handsome as it showed off all of the right places and dare she say it he was damn hot. She blushed at the thought and froze when she realized that he was staring at her. His gaze was greedy and he looked at her in a way that barely left anything for anyone else to look at. It was like he was taking her in completely. After a few seconds he walked over to her and placed an arm around her waist.

"You look stunning." his vioce was firm and steady. As if he had never been more sure of anything.

She blushed feeling her heartbeat speed up and her skin tingle where he was touching her bare back.

"And you look more handsome than usual." she complimented back.

"Okay slight problem. We didn't get dates for these two." Selina glared at Bruce pointedly. Before he could say a word however he was interrupted.

"We'll fly solo. Keep each other company." Tim finally tore his gaze from Carston and addressed his father.

"Yea that works. Okay let's go."

They were all rushed out the door and prepared to go down the steps with the Wayne's. Just as they appeared at the very top the room fell silent and camera's started flashing. As they walked down Damian curled his arm around her waist and pulled her against him as the pictures were taken. She placed her hand on his shoulder and they locked gazes for a second too long before they continued down the steps and towards the crowd of waiting reporters.

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