Chapter 16

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This chapter is dedicated to ZeninaD ❤️

Camilla POV

She hadn't been able to keep the smile off her face the entire night.

No one had uttered a word about the inconvenience between Damian and his father and maybe it was better like that. It was clear he didn't want to talk about it though they'd talk eventually. She thought of his father's cruel words about his mother not wanting him and shivered. Then she thought of him saying that she had never loved him and felt even worse. What kind of mother didn't love her child?

She had gone looking for Damian earlier only to be led by Alfred to the gym where he was taking his emotions out on an innocent punching bag. His hand had still been bleeding and his feet were in a firm stance as he threw his calculated punches at it.

She only wanted to see if he was okay but the second she laid eyes on him everything she had said that night came flooding back.

Right now Camilla sat next to Damian in the theater room and continued to smile at herself as she thought back to their kiss and how he had been the one to initiate it. Her makeup was off and her hair was down from its elegant bun. She was in her night wear. It had been better than anything she could ever have asked for. His lips were soft but firm. They had tasted sweet though she had pulled away before she could place her finger on exactly what.

She wasn't really sure as to what it meant but was glad it happend.

"What would you all like to do tomorrow?" Damian asked as the movie ended and no one made a move to pick a new one. David glanced up at him from the seats just below them.

"You mean later today?"

David was right since it was in fact one in the morning. Carston didn't even glance up at them but he had been acting strange the last few hours. As if his mind were elsewhere.

"Maybe we should go to the mall?" Milla offered brightly.

"Or we could do that in the morning and then later on we could go get lunch at that new place?" David suggested. Everyone eventually agreed on that.

"What would we even do at the mall?" Carston finally asked breaking his ongoing silence much to everyone's relief.

David and Carston grinned at each other as they seemed to have the same idea at once. "Lazer tag!" they said in unison.

Damian quirked an eyebrow. "Sounds... Decent." if his vioce was any indication to it he sounded almost smug.

They were all showed to separate fancy guests rooms that were larger than their own bedrooms and told to rest as they would be treated to breakfast later on.

The second the coast was clear and the entire house was silent she quietly turned the handle of her door and tip toed to Milla's guest room which was right down the hall.

As expected the girl was awake and on her cellphone in the dark. She looked up as Camilla walked in and switched it off placing it on her bedside table.

She crawled over the bed and wrapped her arms around her best friend as she snuggled her face into Milla's neck. The two had barely had any girl time whatsoever ever since Damian had joined the group.

"I'm going to tell you something. Promise not to yell?" she asked quietly. Milla giggled.

"Oh drama, spill."

Camilla took a deep breath knowing that the seconds the words left her mouth it would become more real.

"Damian kissed me."

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