Chapter 1

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Damian POV

Gotham city was not strictly beautiful.

It was difficult to see beauty in a place that was practically crawling with sins.

He shoved Raymond against the wall in the alley, but he quickly recovered aiming a right hook to Damian's face. Dodging it, he hooked his foot around the asshole's ankle slamming him to the ground. Before Raymond could recover there was a gloved fist in his face.

After a few recovering moments he started to laugh, blood staining his yellow teeth. "You're too late punk! I suspect the poison has killed her by now." He cackled in his thick southern accent, sneering up at the dark haired boy, lips curling back in a snarl. Damian kicked him in the head which knocked him out cold then started sprinting to the building while taking even breaths and dodging obstacles.

"Robin." Jason's voice rang over the intercom in Damian's ear, echoing through the walls in his mind.

"I've arrived. Took out Raymond, making my way to the building now." he answered.

He could hear fighting on the other side of the com and suspected Jason would be a while, but I that didn't matter. "Get her to the Hospital as fast as you can. We'll hold off the muscle. We're running out of time." Jason urged.

Damian refrained from rolling his eyes knowing the gesture would be lost since his adopted brother could not see him anyway, though he often argued that he could 'feel the sarcasm' through the com which Damian thought was nonsense.

Earlier that night it had been brought to their immediate attention that Jackson and Raymond- amateur criminals, were holding two twin girls belonging to one of the more wealthy families for ransom and had injected them with a poison that caused your insides to rot. The only way to get it out of their system was through surgery, but if they didn't hurry..Well no one could save a corpse. Bruce and Nightwing had gone to one location and sent Damian, Tim and Jason to the other. Though he thought he could do this by himself, he knew his father would not stand for the argument and he'd lose precious time trying.

He scaled the slick wall of the two stories building grabbing onto near invisible holds, pulling himself up until he reached the window and slid inside.

It was dark. He could hear muffled crying somewhere to his left but still stood his ground. Four heartbeats later the lights flickered on temporarily blinding him and something- or rather someone barreled into him knocking him to the ground. Without thinking he threw his legs up and slammed them to the chest of his attacker sending the man into the wall. Before he could recover Damian grabbed his Katana and in one swift movement was up and driving it through the man's leg. He doubled over, hand flying down. He reeked of sweat and alcohol and screamed like a baby.

Though he'd much rather have some fun with the imbecile sick enough to do something like this he knew he'd wasted too much time already and made his way towards the girl who was quickly losing consciousness. He untied her and carried her bridal style towards the car using the stairs this time. Her head bobbed from side to side and her black hair was sticking to the sweat and blood on her face, it wasn't the most appealing sight.

"Stay with me. You have to stay awake you have to fight.". He muttered to the girl placing her in the back seat.

People are weak. He quickly got into the driver's seat and started racing towards the hospital. The girl mumbled a few incoherent words.
"Continue your mindless rambles. Stay conscious." but the girl did not keep talking. When Damian glanced back she had passed out.


"I have the female." He said over his com. "Transporting her to the hospital now."

Tim was first to react "Hurry."

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