Chapter 24

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Carston POV

"You'll sue me?"

Something about Bruce Wayne's tone hinted at the barest amount of amusement, but the ferocity in his gaze hid it well. He sounded almost cocky, almost as if he wasn't sure that these people just said to him what they said. Damian was sat on the chair in front of his father who stood, gaze matching his. The five of them along with the two guys Damian had hit had been dragged into the room. Well only after they stopped the bleeding in Hastings mouth and confirmed that his jaw was not broken. The same could be not be said for the other guy. His nose was broken, jaw dislocated and his left eye was swollen shut. They had waited in the office for him to come back to the school after his hour long trip to the hospital and now the seven of them were sat on chairs with their parents behind them and the school principal looking flabbergasted.

"Yes we're suing you. Look at my son!" his son did in fact look like a munched potato.

Bruce glanced down to Damian then around the room eyeing each parent and then landing his gaze on potato heads dad. "You are aware of the fact that your son not only called mine a very uncultured and very unprofessional word but that he also said that my children deserved everything that has happened to them including the cruel deaths of their parents, am I correct?" his words were slow as if he was talking to a toddler. Suddenly potato heads parents looked shocked but before they could fumble for something to say Bruce held up a hand, made a show of lining his expensive suit with his thumb and forefingers then lazily gazed up at the parents.

"Don't kid yourself, no jury is going to choose your side, especially when you have my lawyers. Just be glad I'm not locking you up for verbal abuse." he turned away from the parents and placed a hand on Damian's shoulder. "We will pay for the hospital costs and have a talk about this entire ordeal. Now I have a company to run and I'm sure everyone in this room has a job to get to."

It had been the fastest anyone had ever handled a fight and without the principal speaking once. He gaped at the Wayne's and looked like he had been about to protest when Carston's parents got up. When they first got here they had demanded an apology up until they saw the two boys faces, then they just seemed smug. Camilla's parents just seemed surprised that they had been called in and slightly horrified when they saw the opposing side. At least her dad congratulated Damain on his right hook.

After everyone had left the office they walked to the parking lot in silence, maybe if he'd payed more attention he would've noticed the shiny red car and the man leaning against it, but he had been so caught up in trying to figure out a way of how to talk to Damain and get his real opinion about the whole ordeal that he hadn't removed his gaze from the steps until his mother put a hesitant hand on his shoulder.

He looked up at her but didn't smile. There was something in her expression that he recognized, he knew it once, he could read that expression and what it meant better than he could read the slight ticks Tim had. She only ever wore that expression when his father was there.

Slowly he looked up and followed her gaze to the red shiny car and the man who looked just like him. Hunter Summers had the same blond hair as his own, shorter than the last time Carston had saw him months ago. His expression was the same unreadable thing he'd always experienced but he'd always idolized. He didn't idolize it now.

He wanted to punch him square in the jaw harder than Damain had hit potato head  and he wanted to do it repeatedly. He turned back to his mother so fast that he nearly got whiplash.

"I'm not going anywhere with him." he said lowly. As a child when he hadn't seen his father in months he'd jump at the opportunity to spend time with him.  Sometimes when they'd arrange things his father just never showed up and he'd wait for hours outside on the curb with his bags and wouldn't come in even if it turned to night. His mother would come out with a box of pizza and his sister a box of fruit loops and they wouldn't talk, just sit there and stare up at the stars.

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