Chapter 13

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Milla POV

Glass shattered next to her head as she ducked. Her parents still hadn't realized that she was standing in the kitchen as they threw things at each other. A part of her wished they could make up and everything could just go back to normal, if it had ever been normal, the other part wished they'd just get a divorce and get it over with.

She had only come downstairs to tell them that she'd nearly been raped the other night but decided against it and scrambled her way back up the stairs and into her bedroom. It was ten pm and she left for San Francisco tomorrow after school. Her bags were packed and ready and she felt almost happy to get away. The memories of that night were very unpleasant and she hadn't returned to Jason's apartment since.

Seeing as she lost things so easily she had put the key on a chain around her neck and carried it everywhere with her. Sentimental? No. She still had Jason's jacket, it was stuffed in one of her bags. She'd planned on giving it back to him when she saw him again but seeing as she'd nearly been raped last time she saw him she didn't get the chance.

She had been walking in the streets when it started raining, as she ran in search for cover she didn't notice that she had ventured away from the places where people still buzzed despite the late hour and into one of the more quiet districts. The rain had thinned allowing her to see that she was only two blocks away from Jason's apartment.

(trigger warning: molesting)

Out of no where someone had placed a meaty hand on her mouth and yanked her into an ally kicking and screaming. Three men had pinned her down as the one who was sitting on her legs started cutting off her shirt and placed his hands on her bare skin. He started whispering promises of how hard he was going to do her in her ear as she cried and panicked and fought. He had slipped his hands underneath her bra and massaged her breast. His hands were cold. She felt trapped.

It made her feel sick and dirty and violated. She cried and screamed into the hand on her mouth to no avail. No one came. After a few minutes of feeling up her upper body he started groping her ass and rubbing her... there with his dirty hands over her clothes. Then he took the knife and started to cut her pants when suddenly someone yanked him off. He flew back and gun shots could be heard as someone shot the other two who had been holding her down in their legs. A man yanked her up, she hadn't had time to see his features other than flaming red hair as he pushed her down the ally and told her to run.

That's what she had done. She sprinted faster than she ever had, the rain pounding and hitting the pavement along with her footsteps almost as if it were encouraging her.

Faster. Faster. Faster

Not even realizing where she was going until she was up the stairs and standing in front of the apartment door.

Milla sighed thinking back about Monday night and all it had put her through. The yelling down stairs got louder and she decided that she had had enough. She locked her bedroom door, grabbed her bags, switched off the light, climbed out the window and made her way to her car. She had promised Jason she wouldn't walk around in Gotham at night alone again.

Throwing her bags in the trunk and climbing into the driver's seat she decided to head over to the store. She skimmed through the isles for a couple of minutes before deciding to call Jason to hear what he needs. She pressed the phone to her ear feeling nervous all of the sudden.

He answered on the third ring.

"Hey sweetheart."
Her heart did a small dance in her chest. "Hey Jay... So I'm on my way over-oh right if that's okay of course." she asked stumbling over her words like an idiot and being very happy that he couldn't see her red face. "I said you could use my place anytime didn't I?" she could almost hear the smile in his vioce.

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