Chapter 27

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Damian POV

It was cold.

Winter had began to creep closer over the last few weeks and it seemed as though it had finally arrived. Normally Damian liked winter. He'd grown up in icy mountains and had learned to accept the cold and embrace it as if it were a long lost ally.

The snow normally comforted him, the flawless white ice warmed his heart and he always tried not to dwell on the irony of that statement.

But today the cold just made him feel home sick.

At first he'd thought that he was simply reminiscing about the days spent in Nanda Parbat and missing the feeling of knowing exactly where he belonged and what he was going to do next but then he realized that it wasn't just his old home that made him feel home sick.

His friends had become a type of home, somewhere he could seek shelter when the blistering cold got too much, the sound of the storms in his head grew too loud and the strength of the wind got too strong.

But like Nanda Parbat they would soon be nothing but a past memory.

Damian turned on his side so his back would face the window, the silk covers slid over his skin as he moved and his pillow sunk a little more under the pressure if his head. Titus was laying down on the other side of the bed, his head on his paws and if dogs could have sullen expressions then that would be the Great Dane at the very moment.

It was as if he sensed his owners emotions and was now mimicking Damian with a sadness not normally visible on the dog. He stretched out a hand a rubbed Titus behind his neck, though he wasn't sure whether he was doing this to comfort the dog or himself. He was still incredibly weak and pale from blood loss. He'd been sent to rest though he couldn't force himself to get even a wink of sleep, the meal Alfred had brought in a few hours ago still sat untouched atop his desk, cold now.

He didn't have a single message from either one of his friends and found that he'd been removed from their group chat probably by Camilla's father. His brothers were downstairs undoubtedly discussing the events of the night and dealing with the problem and mystery at hand. But for once Damian didn't feel obligated to join them.

He knew of course they'd only tell him to rest either way but normally he'd storm down no matter what state he was in and demand to get to the bottom of the case.

But now he was perfectly content with staring up at his ceiling thinking toxic thoughts such as what his grandfather would think if he saw him upset and weak or whether he could still communicate with Carston at football and how he'd be forced to miss Cami and Milla's first official hockey match of the year, and how the last time he'd been to David's soccer game was truly the last time.

All the little things started popping up in his head like bread in a toaster slowly driving him insane. But he didn't care.

There was a knock on his door and when he ignored it it hesitantly swung open. Selina walked in and Damian found he didn't even have the energy to tell her to get the hell out but instead he heard Carstons voice telling him to give her a chance all those months ago at the restaurant. Followed by Camilla telling him he couldn't run when things got bad.

She closed the door behind her and waited briefly before walking over and sitting down at the foot of his bed as if giving him a chance to kick her out if he wanted to. He didn't.

She took his silence as a sign that he was okay with her presence. "Your father told me what happened..." she trailed off as she tested the waters.

He was briefly taken back to the time when him and Carston and David had jumped into a closed dam at one in the morning and was arrested only to be bailed out by Selina. That night riding back with her in the car as she scolded him had made him feel like a normal teenage boy being told off by their angry but worried mom.

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