Chapter 2

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Damian POV

When he got home Alfred was standing at the door, waiting as expected of the old butler. His regal form and disapproving gaze were the first things one noticed about him.

He chose not to comment himself on Damian's behavior, either because he didn't have the energy or because it seemed as if that was his father's job tonight. "Master Damian, your father requests your presence."

Damian rolled his eyes. He didn't need to ask where his father was and took his time making his way down to the Batcave where the man sat alone in front of the big computer. As expected. Titus remained by Damian's side obediently, ears twitching at the whirring sounds of the computers.

He waited. After a few long minutes Bruce turned his seat to face his son, his expression stony.

"Damian." he said in way of greeting. "Titus." The dog barked once and sat down next to his owner, sniffing the air like there was something interesting. The short silence that followed didn't last long.

"Five hours Damian. Where the hell were you?" Bruce glared. Not wasting time getting to the point. If he'd left in his suit this wouldn't be a problem because that way his father would've known what he was doing: protecting Gotham. But he left as Damian, Bruce Wayne's son, and Bruce Wayne always needed to know where they were and what they were doing. It was infuriating.

Damian crossed his arms over his chest, already bored. "I took Titus for a walk." he said nonchalantly.

"For five hours? What if someone else had found you?" Bruce argued.

He felt the sudden urge to ask 'like who?' but he knew that aside from Talia tons of other people could be after him, it wouldn't be the first time someone tried to take him for ransom money from his father, though that never worked out for them.

"I'm perfectly capable of handling myself, father." he said through clenched teeth. "I am not a child."

The two stared each other down before Bruce turned back to his work and told Damian to get some rest, obviously not in the mood for another argument with his son. The two had a strange relationship, it wasn't like Bruce and Dick's, which was more open and honest, or like Tim's who's was more gentle yet edgy. Not even like Jason's, which was practically nonexistent.

Without a word he turned and left the cave.


Camilla POV

Camilla could not sleep, and it was starting to get annoying.

She rolled over onto her side and glanced at her alarm clock. Five am.

Great. She'd have to get up for school in half an hour. Might as well do it now. She got out of bed and into the shower, wanting to look presentable for school.

Afterwards she stood in front of her closet with a towel wrapped around her body. Maybe a skirt? She immediately shot the idea down, not having shaved her legs for a week. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, hair wet and dripping, the scar on her back pink from the hot water.

As she pondered away staring at her clothes a knock shook her from her thoughts. "Breakfast Cami, are you up?" her dad's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Yea I'm up." she answered.

Picking out a pair of blue jeans and black off shoulder shirt she slipped them on then quickly dried her hair before making her way down stairs, the smell of bacon immediately improved her mood.

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