Chapter 8

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Damian POV

They had stayed up for hours. Every once in a while Camilla would interrupt his reading to tell him about something that happened in her book.
He didn't mind it, he liked the way her face lit up when she talked about a story as if she'd been there herself.

They had switched positions multiple times, going from the floor to in front of the fire place and onto the couch. Damian had shifted between two spots on the floor until he'd gotten sore, then took a seat next to Cami on the couch. It was almost three am and Cami had fallen asleep somewhere along the way, her book rested open on her chest. Damian marked his place before placing his story down and studying the girl.

She had beautiful dirty blonde hair that fell around her face as she slept. Her skin was clear safe for a few barely noticeable freckles on her nose, her plump lips were slightly parted and her soft, delicate hands were neatly folded over her stomach.

Damian wasn't normally one to comment on girls looks, as he usually didn't give a crap, but he had to admit Camilla was pretty.

He decided to stop staring before it got weird and removed the book from her chest, closing it and placing it beside his own on the coffee table. He slipped one hand under her knees and the other behind her back as he slowly pulled her into his arms resting her head against his shoulder.

He carried her towards the guest wing, right when they turned the corner to the hallway that lead to her room for the night her eyes opened a little and she peeked at him.

"Damian?" she asked, her vioce thick with sleep.

"Shh, sleep." he said and she blinked a few more times before closing her eyes once more. He placed her under her covers and pulled the blanket up to her shoulders before walking out of the room.

Damian wasn't tired. It's been a while since he last slept but he was use to it. Instead of heading to bed he went to his room and changed into his training gear, then made his way to the gym and got some weights to tie around his body before hitting the climbing wall.

He didn't climb with gear, even though his father would be furious if he saw him doing it without extra protection he preferred the way he'd done it with the league. There the only time you ever used gear was when climbing up the side of a mountain during a storm, and if you did fall, they'd break a bone and you'd have to start over again. He'd been four years old when he'd made his first trip through the mountains, not climbing up the side of one, but facing the cold alone as he took the far side up. The wind had been strong and his fingers had turned blue. His small body thought hard not to be swept away, his tiny legs trudged through the miserable cold, determined to reach their goal. But that was in the past.

Damian normally didn't look at his hands when he climbed, just at the next hold, but they felt strange, like warm liquid was covering them. At first he thought it was sweat but as he glanced at them he noticed they were covered in blood.

Luckily he hadn't climbed very high so when he let go in shock the worst pain that he felt was the weights pressing into his body like knifes.

He groaned and rolled over to his side bringing his hands up towards his face. But there was nothing. No blood.

He sat up, ignoring the sharp pain in his back and stared at his now clean fingers, wiggling then slightly.

It was a hallucination.

He'd had plenty experience with those especially when he hadn't been getting much sleep or something happened that triggered something in his mind about the past.

He sighed and unclipped the weights before retreating to his room, deciding to at least try and get some rest.

He pulled his shirt off and slipped beneath the covers of his bed, waiting for the darkness to claim him.

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