Chapter 11

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Milla POV

Jason Todd was different.

He seemed charming and uncaring. He gave off this energy when he smiled, and Milla couldn't help but wonder how many long nights that smile has earned him. How many girls had fallen under the spell of the notorious Jason Todd?

Despite not knowing him very long she liked to think she knew a thing or two about the man sitting before her.

He was fake.

Some of his smiles seemed almost... Practiced? Milla wasn't the best at reading people but she could see right through the alarmingly attractive boy in front of her. She could somehow tell which smiles were genuine, which were part of his strange, almost bipolar personality, and which were practiced, fake.

It was through his fake smiles that Milla quickly learned which topics bothered him.

Even though she found his whole bad boy demeanor extremely hot, she couldn't help but feel as though he was only showing her one side of many, normally with guys like him she wouldn't bother getting to know them, she'd mess around a bit and then move on... But Jason was different. He'd unlocked something in her.

She wanted to know what made him tick. What made him who he is, what trauma did he go through to end up with Bruce Wayne? She wanted to know how he liked his coffee and why his eyes seemed to linger on every street kid, she wanted to know his favorite color and see the place he grew up in, she wanted to know what it would be like to be with someone so... Jason.

It was like he had a never ending thirst to prove himself, prove he belonged where he was, that he wasn't a waste of space. Even though it added to his charms his recklessness was strangely scary.

His cool and easy demeanor slipped on and off like a cloak, and when it slipped down she'd see a quick flash of his eyes, the slight sneer in his lips, the hatred in his expression, before the calm, ralaxed and charming smiled would slip back on.

Most people wouldn't notice the slips, but the ones who did, she imagined would be afraid. But she found herself intrigued.

Jason drank his beer, staring out the window and she wondered what was on his mind.

"What did you have planned for the rest of the night, doll?" he asked.

She smiled, trying her best to come close to the level of charming he pulled off. "I was hoping you could tell me." she said resting her head on her hands, watching him.

He stopped drinking his beer and glanced over at her, amusement in his gorgeous gray eyes, a smirk on his lips.

He placed his drink down and leaned over the table, his gaze never leaving hers. Her heart went wild in her chest.

"You know you really should stay away from me, sweetheart, I'm bad."

She didn't believe that. She could see he was different, but not bad.

"If you wanted me to stay away from you, you wouldn't have called." she challenged, leaning closer towards him. It was nine pm when Jason had called and asked if she wanted to get coffee with him, or she could have coffee and he would have a drink. She'd agreed and snuck out of the house and to the café a few blocks away.

"Maybe I don't want you to stay away from me. That doesn't mean you shouldn't." he humored her. "Besides, little brother would have my head if I broke your heart, and I'm probably too old for you."

He leaned back and she felt almost sad. She rolled her eyes. "Damian doesn't have to know, besides I'm pretty sure he's too busy staring and Cami to notice. And your only like four years older than me." she defended.

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