Chapter 29

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Camilla POV

In the last 24 hours she'd made up with her boyfriend, broken a TV, thrown a raging tantrum in which she kicked and screamed until her parents agreed to let her go, dragged each of her friends into her dad's car and now she was sitting in front of Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle and three of their adopted son's.
She didn't really know whether she should say theirs since they weren't married yet and even if they were she wasn't exactly sure if the four boys would consider her their adopted mother, but decided asking wasn't worth her time.

To think it all started with a news report. A picture of Damian's face, scowling at the camera
with the words MISSING flashing underneath it. The report said that they had found his blood, his phone and a syringe in an alley but conveniently all the cameras around the area had been out of service and that the Wayne family had received no ransom calls yet but wanted kidnappers to know they'd be willing to pay any amount necessary against police advice.

She didn't buy it.

So there she sat, a scowl tattooed on her face as Alfred kindly handed her a cup of tea with a knowing look and a sigh that said he'd clearly been through this before, or a similar situation at least.

"What happened?" she got right to the point as she placed her tea down on the glass coffee table, her feet digging into the soft rug. They were in the same room that they had been the first time her parents came over, nothing had changed.

There were visible and unsettling pieces of Damian in Bruce. The block of his emotions, the way his body language gave away nothing. Then there was the midnight black hair and the incredibly straight posture. The way his jaw was set and his hands still and unmoving on his lap, like a statue. They were more alike than either of them knew.

"I take it you saw the news. You don't believe them?" his voice was strong but not pushy, like a politician.

She didn't need to call him out on his bullshit because Selina spoke up "We don't have time for this Bruce." she turned to the four of them and flicked her hair out of her eyes. "In the last few months two new drugs got set on the streets. We'd all been so occupied with finding the supplier that when we had we didn't realize it was a trap until it was too late. The woman was the sister of Talia Al-ghul, Damian's mother, and she'd been running us in circles. So when she'd made her move and revealed herself we got so caught up in stopping her that we didn't notice the little things and distractions. They separated all of us and before we knew it the woman was gone and so was Damian. His trackers were on the floor in a pool of his own blood. We set up the case for the police to find."

She didn't know what she'd been expecting but it hadn't been honesty. She decided that she rather liked Selina and that after she beat the shit out of Damian for scaring her she'd tell him to get over himself and be nice to this amazing woman.

Bruce only glanced at her, a flash of annoyance crossing his face, there and gone. Then he rose to his feet and clasped his hands behind his back, being all formal as if they hadn't been in his house a dozen times, his son's eyes trailing his every movement he made.

"Thank you for the visit, but as you can see we are quite busy in trying to find my son. So I'd appreciate it if you let us do so." he spoke with the same dismissive tone that he used on the press to make them understand that the discussion was over.

Before he could turn his back on her she made a split second decision. "No."

He froze, his neutral expression freezing on his face. "Excuse me?" he inquired.

"No. We're not going anywhere until he's back here."

He cocked his head at her and sized her up, his sparkling blue eyes raking up and down from her feet back to her face as if debating something in his head. She held herself under his sharp gaze. A few moments passed until he simply made a humming noise at the back of his throat then turned and stalked out the room to the direction of the library, his feet not making a sound.

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