Chapter 26

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Jason POV

Today was a bad day.

Jason usually tried to make everyday a good day, even when bad shit happened he powered through. But today was truly a bad day and not even the world's biggest optimist could convince him otherwise.

The last few days Milla had been awkward around him, she hadn't said it back when he said he loved her and now she was starting to pull back as if the words had hurt her. When he woke up this morning she was gone without even a note. He got punished by die FBI when he knocked some guys teeth out for calling Tim a bad word and then just when he'd gotten home his phone had gone off with an alert.

They spent literal hours getting people out of a collapsing building, earning scrapes and cuts along the way along with smoke inhaling. Then just when they thought it was over the ninja posey showed up and frustrated the hell out of him, all of them really.

Jason had just about had it when his hands were sore from landing punches and his face was numb from receiving them even through the helmet. He stepped back and saw the guy he'd been fighting with about to stab Dick through the throat and just decided to fuck batmans rules as he pulled his gun out and fired a single shot between the man's eyes.

Time had stopped as the body fell to the ground with a shocked expression, if corpses could looked shocked.
His brothers stared at him and maybe if he hadn't gotten so damn caught up in fighting with Dick about the dead body at his feet he would've noticed one of the bastards getting up.

But they only noticed when it was too late and a sword was sticking through Damian's chest. Time seemed to start back up as they all stared at the blood, but he was brought back to reality the second the thing got ripped out and Damian fell to his knees.

Jason didn't hesitate and in a matter of seconds two bullets dug their way through the stabbers skull and he fell to the floor with an audible thunk. Tim and Dick didn't bother arguing but instead hauled Damian up and started to drag him back to the car as they urged him to stay awake.

Fortunately they were trained not to panic and had dealt with this on numerous occasions.

When they got to the cave everything fell apart worse than it already had and by the time they got the the blood cleaned off and the two unconscious teenagers were on beds in the medbay they still had worse problems to deal with.

Milla was staring at him, his suit, his helmet on the table next to him. He didn't really want to know what was going through her mind. Did she hate him now that she new he'd killed people? His vigilantly name had been all over Gotham and case files and TV news reports. The bodies he'd left during those dark times.

Tim had taken off his mask and joined in on the shame party as he refused to meet Carston's pleading eyes and shocked expression. David was staring at everyone. He went from Raven to Damian to Bruce to the rest and back to Raven as he opened and closer his mouth looking like a fish out of water. It would have been comical in any other situation.

Camilla however had her gaze fixed on Damian's chest, the spot that had been bleeding out seconds ago but was now nothing more than a red mark. His midnight black hair fell across his forehead, his expression unbothered and just for a moment Jason wished they could switch places.

Bruce broke the silence that had been looming over the odd group by asking the dreaded question. "What the hell happened?" as he walked past the Carlisle's as if they weren't even there and to the computers. Tim switched from shame to action as he slid on his thinking face.

"It was a set up. Someone wanted us out of the way."

Bruce glanced at the computer then back to his son's. "Who and why?"

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