Chapter 17

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Jason POV

She slapped his hand away from the pan and gave him a slight scowl. He only grinned and raised his hands in surrender as she eyed him until he sat down at the kitchen Island with his books and watched her work.

"You could at least give me a little bite. It smells delicious sweetheart." he winked at her flirtatiously and she jokingly rolled her eyes.

"You can taste when it's done. Do your FBI training stuff." she smiled and turned back to her cooking as she threw the chopped unions into her mix. She was making Stir fry. Something he'd never really had but it smelled heavenly and he loved to get on her nerves. It was hot when she was mad at him.

"I won't be home tomorrow night but I'll give you my credit card and you can go do your version of 'Stalked up' since mine clearly isn't good enough." he grinned at t her again and she seemed to ponder this for a minute.

"Your version of stocked up is microwaved meals and hardly any spices. Honestly how do you live like that?" she joked.

He shrugged as she started placing the food into two separate plates and he got them both drinks as they sat down at their usual couch in front of his floor to ceiling windows.

The second he took the first bite he knew that he loved it. He went right through two full servings before finally being stuffed and just placing his plate in the sink next to Milla's then sitting back down next to her.

"I could've made it better." she mumbled with a slight frown.

"Gordon Ramsey couldn't have made that better sweetheart." he leaned back and closed his eyes but felt her tense beside him before getting up and listening to her footsteps disappear down the hall.

He didn't follow. Instead he stayed put on the couch with his eyes closed as he slipped off his shoes to relax a little more. He felt calm as he rested his hands on top of his stomach and breathed the warm air in the apartment feeling himself sink lower into the expense couch.

A few minutes later he sensed someone standing in front of him and slowly peeled his eyes open already knowing who it was. He slightly quirked his eyebrow as his eyes raked up and down the blood red dress, the same red as his helmet and red bat on his suit. Long legs and eight inch heels, though she didn't need it, the dress had two slits which went all the way up to mid thigh. It showed off her perky breast and her long brown hair cascaded down her back in waves. She studied him as if trying to pull his reaction out. The first time he'd seen her in the dress the night before he wanted nothing more than to kiss her, he loved red on her more than anything else. When he didn't say anything she turned away slightly as if regretting her decision but then breathed and slowly strode towards him.

"You Haven't kissed me since that first night." she spoke in a low sexy vioce then came to stand right in front of where he was sitting. She flirtatiously smiled and walked away back down the hall towards his bedroom. He hesitated before following her but stopping at the door.

"You told me to bring it. Now that you've seen it can you help me with the zipper please." her back was still turned to him and he got the distinct feeling that his lack of reaction had put her off. He closed the door before walking over and slowly pulling down the zipper but not moving away. He took a deep breath before he allowed his fingertips to graze her skin and smirked as he felt her shiver.

He slipped the dress of her shoulders and it pooled at her feet leaving her in nothing but her heels and of course, because the world hated him, deep red lacy lingerie.

He placed both his hands on her slim waist and pulled her back against his chest. She leaned her head back and he pressed his lips to her neck. Her hand moved up and weaved itself into his hair. It drove him a little crazy and he quickly turned her around and pushed her back onto the bed before ripping his shirt over his head and letting it fall to the floor. She moved up until her back was against his headboard and looked at him as if taking him in. Her gaze was solely fixed on his hands as he loosened his belt and slipped off his jeans leaving him only in his black underwear.

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