Chapter 7

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Camilla POV

Even though she was really pissed at Damian she found herself worried. He'd been shot after all, he seemed fine last night but what if that was just the adrenaline or it got infected? She still couldn't exactly wrap her head around the events of the previous night. It was a bit of a blur.

She was tempted to call him but luckily the part of her that was mad won the battle. Her parents were supposed to head over to San Francisco today to visit her dad's sister who had just gotten a baby. But because of the robbery at David's house last night they weren't about to leave her home alone for the remainder of the weekend. Or at least not without a fuss.

"Maybe you should come with us. Yes go pack your bags, your coming." Her mom said as her dad tossed Michael's bags in the car and sighed looking like he wasn't going to argue.

"Mom I'll be fine. Look, I'll go over to Milla and sleep there tonight if you don't want me to be alone. How's that?" she asked, giving them a wide fake smile, she'd gotten good at those.

Her parents glanced at each other. "Fine but you have to be there before dark. Promise?" her dad said sternly.

She hugged them both goodbye. "Okay I'll go pack right now. I promise I'll be at her house before dark."

It took another fifteen minutes of convincing before her parents left and she was alone.

She trudged back up to her bedroom, feet dragging on the wooden floors of the stairs and called Milla. She answered on the third ring.

"Hey there, are you okay? Did you watch that video David sent?" Milla asked without waiting for a hele back.

Camilla nodded then remembered her friend couldn't see her.

"Yea I'm fine and I watched the video. Hey my parents are going to San Francisco for the weekend, and they don't want me to be home alone. Is it cool if I come over?"

There was a loud clatter on the line followed by Milla swearing. "Yea sorry I dropped my makeup. Do you need me to pick you up?"

"No it's fine I'll walk, I need to clear my head anyway. I'll be there around six?"

The two talked for a little while longer before Cami hung up to go pack. It was already five thirty and the sky was covered by dark clouds signaling that it would rain soon. She spent a few more minutes packing her stuff, toothbrush, clothes and hair brush and when she was done she just sat on her bed. Thinking.

The dim light from outside spilled into the room provided a space for the dust particles to swim in.

She stared at her phone. She'd expected Damian to call and at least try to explain the lying. He could've at least told her he wasn't home schooled, but nothing, maybe he just didn't care. Maybe they were overreacting and it wasn't so big a deal. Camilla's phone had no unread messages and she felt pathetic. Damian probably didn't care if she was hurt and for some reason that thought made her feel worse. She wanted him to care.

She thought that maybe they'd become friends the last few weeks but that clearly hadn't been the case. Damian didn't strike her as the type of person who formed bonds very easily, so why would he have tried doing so with them? Maybe they'd only been there for his amusement, maybe he just thought they'd be after his money if they knew who he was. Either way she couldn't help the painful feeling tugging around in her chest as her notifications remained empty.


Damian POV

Damian hadn't tried to contact any of his friends. He knew they were probably mad at him for lying, and he wasn't sure what to do about that. How did these things work?

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