Chapter 22

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Raven POV

One of these days she'd kill Damain Wayne.

Whether it be because he was always extremely sharp and could psychoanalize anyone no matter how difficult the person, but he couldn't figure it out when someone was hopelessly in love with him, or because he refused to live in Titan tower and was late. Again.

They were forced to leave on the mission without him but Starfire had kept the mission info up in hopes that he would find it. Raven sailed through the air and blasted another robot monkey out of Beast boys way, shadows racing from her hands.

The past few weeks had been interesting to say the least. She had been talking to David, Damian's surprisingly charming friend but had expected him to leave her alone by now because of her dark personality and witty responses, instead he found it intriguing. She wasn't sure whether this bothered her or if she was liking the fact that someone found her interesting.

The com in her ear was a loud mixture of voices and she ignored it as she blasted four new monkeys away, their robotic pieces scattering across the streets like rain.

Instinctively she turned when she heard a scream from one of the civilians, but it had distracted her long enough for two robots to grab her and pull her back down to the ground. She fought them but as soon as she blasted one, two new ones replaced them, there were too many.

Suddenly Beast Boy in a Rhino form charged them off her and Jaime landed next to her and helped her to her feet. Starfire was hovering above them and they all took their fighting stances like the fighters they were.

They were surrounded.

As soon as the first fifty attempted to jump on them with a loud metallic screech that could pass for a laugh she slammed her force fields up around them. The monkeys pressed closer trying to get through slamming their robotic hands down on them but she would hold on as long as possible.

She could practically hear Starfire thinking, and hoped she'd come up with a plan soon. Suddenly she found herself wondering what David was doing at that moment, hopefully something more fun than what she was doing, but scolded herself, this was not the time.

Then out of nowhere hundreds of small metal balls flew through the air with practiced ease and each latched onto their own monkeys, a few seconds later they all short-circuited and fell to the ground. Their remaining breathen didn't even bat a lash even though more than half of them had just been taken out by a mysterious force.

She got the feeling that she had to hold onto her shield a little while longer when something sharp in the shape of an R embedded itself into the head of a monkey and started ticking and flashing dangerously.

Then it exploded and at least another fifty were taken out. The explosion rocked them back and her shield broke but they had barely stumbled. Suddenly Damain was beside her in all his fiercely determined glory. She wanted to hit him. His posture was perfect as always and his gaze focused. He spared them a haughty glance over his shoulder and rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Who needs superpowers?" he asked as he twirled his blade in his hand.

He was right. He was the only one in the team without them but he was a better fighter than them all, except maybe Cory. They relied on their powers too much and it would someday cause their downfall.

"Titans go!" Cory screamed as the remaining robots started attacking, and that's exactly what they did, roaring into the chaos with determined glares.


"You are communicating with David?"

It wasn't so much a question as it was an accusation. He leaned against the training room wall, arms crossed over his buff chest and mask on the table next to him. His crisp green eyes shined with something she wasn't sure of. He was still dressed in his black suit, she preferred this one to his old traffic light suit as it suited him more. He looked regal as ever, expression guarded and body language displaying nothing he didn't want her to see, with his shoulders squared like a soldiers and his feet parted slightly as if he'd be prepared to launch off his spot on the wall in seconds.

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