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bill woke up.

he saw stan still sleeping on his bed.

he got up and hovered over him.

he smiled a bit.

he pushed some of stan's hair back to see his forehead.

he kissed it lightly not trying to wake him up.

he got up and still stared at stan.

then he had an idea.

he wanted to do something nice for him.

so he walked out the room into the cafeteria.

with his crutches.

limping slowly.

he walked up to the lunch trays and got one.

he felt a tap on his shoulder.

he turned around.

"oh! uh, aaron. hwey!"

"hi... look, uhm i know i may seem like i was trying to get with you and all but i just wanted to be friends."

"oh, i... i'm sorry it's just-

"no! i understand, i come off like that. i promise you all i wanna be is your friend. i mean i am gay and all but i don't have any friends so it would be nice."

"im sorry... it's- you know what fine."

"oh? really!? i'm sorry bill thank you!"


bill laughed nervously.

"stan won't get mad?"

bill shook his head.

"i hope, hey wanna cwome over to his room with me? im getting hwim food."

"oh sure!"

bill grabbed some food and put it on the tray.

aaron just followed him.

they walked into stan's room.

"shh! don't wake hwim up."

aaron sat down at a chair.

bill put stan's tray full of food on this desk.

bill sat down next to aaron.

he looked at him for a while.

"i hope you and stan cwan make up. i don't want you guys like fwignting. because i wanna be your friend but, i awlso wanna be stan's."

"no! i completely agree."

bill sighed.

"yeah, let's just hwope stan's okay with it."

"what even happened?"

aaron asked.

bill didn't answer because he wasn't looking at aaron.

aaron grabbed bill's face and bill looked at him blushing.

"what happened to him?"

"oh uh... he tried to... uhm..."

bill said shakily.

he couldn't form a sentence.

"oh, it's okay i understand. why's that if your comfortable telling me."

"he thought i didn't love hwim anymore."

"what? really...? what the hell."

"no! it was a misunderstanding, i lwove him. i think...? i don't know we jwust met and love is a strong word."

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